
I'm actually currently battling a toothache and waiting for the dentist's office to call. And, the pain is exhausting me, so I don't have much inspiration right now for anything other than this type of post. As it's been AGES since I did one of these, it's probably about time!

Enjoying: I've really been able to enjoy getting around again now that my ankle has healed up. I still have some pain, but I was able to take a mile and a half walk this morning. And, I enjoyed every bit of that since the weather was not yet 70F.  

Cooking: Tonight, I have this red beans and rice dish planned. I'm trying to only put "softer" foods on the menu until I can get this whole tooth thing managed. 

Creating: On my desk are bits and pieces for this month's #4Core challenge from Ina Solsbery. As soon as she announced the four prompts, I had an idea. Now, it's just a matter of getting it all to come together.  


Needing: I desperately need a vacation. Yes, Pat and I work from home, but we are both really craving a weekend at the beach. And, we haven't had a vacation away in over four years!

Marveling: I can't believe Fall begins this week. I'm already seeing the big, crunchy leaves tumble down from our sycamore tree. 

Reading: I've been reading Big Chicas Don't Cry by Annette Chavez Macias*. It's a super cute story about family.  

Making: I haven't made as much jewelry as I'd like lately, but I do have a few tin earrings in progress and a whole box of pretty things from Jesse James Beads that I want to tackle soon.  

Watching: Have you seen the new Rings of Power* show on Amazon Prime? As a Tolkien fan, I'm totally smitten!

Waiting: I'm going to switch out the stock in my booth at Southern Antiques and Accents at the beginning of October. While I wait for that time to come, I'm running a sale there, if you're in the Fairhope area. 

Wearing: Y'all. All I have wanted to wear lately are t-shirt fabric dresses with pockets. Seriously. And, I've gathered a nice collection of them, so really, that's all I've been in for weeks!! Well...that and Alabama shirts - it IS football season after all. 

Listing: This little Champagne Butterfly necklace is the newest item in the Etsy Shop. I think the orange is perfect for Autumn as it begins this week. 

Thinking: Ever since a couple of the daily and weekly art journaling challenges have ended, I've found myself at a loss for what to do with myself in that area. So, I'm considering creating my own weekly, prompted challenge. EEK! I want it for myself, but am hoping to put it out there for anyone else who wants to play along. Hopefully, I'll have all my thoughts sorted out soon. 

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. EEK! Tooth pain is the worst! I've been there and you are right, it's exhausting. I hope you get some relief very soon. Love the mysterious mist in that first photo!

    1. You are so right! I'm STILL waiting to hear from the dentist, but I'll call in a bit. I have the worst teeth and fully expect to be in dentures before the end of my life. Thank you for the well-wishes! As for that first photo, the fog there was just on this one section of my neighborhood that I wasn't even going to walk in, but I could spy that mist and HAD to go check it out. It was so perfect with the sun rising behind it. I'm glad you appreciate it too!


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