Thrifty Thursday

Although I've been trying to organize and purge the craft room this week, I still hit up the thrift stores and estate sales. WHAT WAS I THINKING!? (And, I've already hauled a few more things home. sigh.) Here's a peek at some of my treasures.

These were from a local charity shop that's often hit-or-miss. 

Speaking of hit-or-miss, Goodwill has been a little bare lately. But, I did stumble on these containers that needed to come home with me. That glass jar is already mostly full of buttons.

On my FIRST trip to the estate sale of a fiber/quilt artist, I picked up these few things.

This is what I brought home after my second trip to her house. There were lots fewer people and a better chance to look around (hence the reason I went back two days later.)

Here's a better look at the buttons I got from her craft room. The jar of buttons was the most expensive thing I bought. I'm pretty sure it was worth it. 

There was at least one other haul I didn't include a picture of, so you may want to watch my Thrifty Thursday Haul Video to get a better look at everything. 

Let me apologize for having two thrifty posts in a row. I've been busy cleaning and working on a new mixed media challenge (of my own design) that will begin on Monday along with handling household responsibilities. I'm trying to balance it all, but I don't think it's working out so great for me. Hopefully, I can get back into the groove of blogging and find a routine soon. Thank you for taking the time to head over here. 

Have you been thrifting lately?

Thrifty Thursday (a day late)

I had planned to share some of my thrifty haul with you yesterday, but the day absolutely got away from me. This was partly because I was out thrifting. 🤦‍♀️😳 But, this is my blog, and I don't suppose it really matters except to me. And, really, it wasn't anything spectacular, just some retail store items I got at good prices. Here's a peek at some of it. 

And, if you're interested in seeing it all, you can watch my haul video for Thrifty Thursday

Let me know if you've found any good deals lately!!


I'm actually currently battling a toothache and waiting for the dentist's office to call. And, the pain is exhausting me, so I don't have much inspiration right now for anything other than this type of post. As it's been AGES since I did one of these, it's probably about time!

Enjoying: I've really been able to enjoy getting around again now that my ankle has healed up. I still have some pain, but I was able to take a mile and a half walk this morning. And, I enjoyed every bit of that since the weather was not yet 70F.  

Cooking: Tonight, I have this red beans and rice dish planned. I'm trying to only put "softer" foods on the menu until I can get this whole tooth thing managed. 

Creating: On my desk are bits and pieces for this month's #4Core challenge from Ina Solsbery. As soon as she announced the four prompts, I had an idea. Now, it's just a matter of getting it all to come together.  


Needing: I desperately need a vacation. Yes, Pat and I work from home, but we are both really craving a weekend at the beach. And, we haven't had a vacation away in over four years!

Marveling: I can't believe Fall begins this week. I'm already seeing the big, crunchy leaves tumble down from our sycamore tree. 

Reading: I've been reading Big Chicas Don't Cry by Annette Chavez Macias*. It's a super cute story about family.  

Making: I haven't made as much jewelry as I'd like lately, but I do have a few tin earrings in progress and a whole box of pretty things from Jesse James Beads that I want to tackle soon.  

Watching: Have you seen the new Rings of Power* show on Amazon Prime? As a Tolkien fan, I'm totally smitten!

Waiting: I'm going to switch out the stock in my booth at Southern Antiques and Accents at the beginning of October. While I wait for that time to come, I'm running a sale there, if you're in the Fairhope area. 

Wearing: Y'all. All I have wanted to wear lately are t-shirt fabric dresses with pockets. Seriously. And, I've gathered a nice collection of them, so really, that's all I've been in for weeks!! Well...that and Alabama shirts - it IS football season after all. 

Listing: This little Champagne Butterfly necklace is the newest item in the Etsy Shop. I think the orange is perfect for Autumn as it begins this week. 

Thinking: Ever since a couple of the daily and weekly art journaling challenges have ended, I've found myself at a loss for what to do with myself in that area. So, I'm considering creating my own weekly, prompted challenge. EEK! I want it for myself, but am hoping to put it out there for anyone else who wants to play along. Hopefully, I'll have all my thoughts sorted out soon. 

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

DIY Bracelet Stack

The Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge from Angela was to make a bracelet stack using sapphire with silver or gunmetal and (optionally) include steampunk elements. I waited until the last possible minute to work on this one, but came up with a little stack that I'm pretty happy with. 

Each of the five bracelets in my stack is fairly each to make. And, I found that this challenge was a great stash-buster for some of the random beads, charms, and other materials in my collection. 

Of course, I recorded a video sharing how I made several of the bracelets, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know!

I like that this challenge gave me the opportunity to use several different techniques for "one" completed project. And, I would have made a few more bracelets (maybe a friendship bracelet, a wrap bracelet, or a sari-wrapped bangle) if I had more time. But, I think this little stack is probably plenty for now.

What do you think? Is it missing something?

September Challenges and Inspirations

Oh, September is already getting away from me! I meant to post this list last week. As I like to participate in several jewelry and art challenges each month to help me find inspiration I might not otherwise, I share my list in case you're looking for inspiration too. 

  • The Honey Do List challenge for August from Sarajo and Eric is still open for another couple of weeks. This is a jewelry challenge that uses a single photo from Eric as inspiration. I'll update this list if Sarajo shares a September photo. 
  • The September Pretty Palette Inspiration from Halcraft Collection is called Calm Cool Collection as is a selection of peachy-mauve-pinks and a gray. Again, this is a jewelry challenge, and you can find all the information on their site. 
  • The 15th of each month (SOON!), is the reveal day for the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Challenge. This reveal takes place on YouTube and/or in the Pirate Pretties Jewelry Facebook Group. For September, we are to use the color sapphire, work with silver or gunmetal, make bracelet stacks, and (optionally) include steampunk elements. 
  • Ina Solsbery recently shared what the #4Core ingredients are for her September challenge. This is a 2d or 3d mixed media art challenge. This month, Ina asks that we have an eye (eyes) as our focal point, use script or writing somewhere in the piece, have a cluster or design/pattern of diamond shapes, and include an ombre effect. You can watch Ina explain each of these aspects in her video. If you participate, you can simply send her an email with a picture or you can make a video and share that with her as well. All the information is in the description box of her video. 
  • As well, for you Mixed Media Artists, there is "Mixed Media Menagerie" from NicoleErin, and Laura in which they have three prompts for you to use in your art journal. The reveal for this takes place on Instagram (and YouTube if you like). This month, the prompts are masking tape, tags, and leaves. 
Those are all the ones I'll likely be participating in this month as the month is already getting the better of me. Feel free to share any others you know of as I'm always looking for more inspiration. 

Thrifty Thursday - Estate Sales, thrift stores, dollar store, gifted

 Over the last several weeks, I was fortunate enough to get to pick up a few treasures at reduced to no prices! These thrifty items came from estate sales, thrift stores, the dollar store, and a friend/relative's kindness. 

Here are my thrift store finds.

And, here's a peek at just some of the haul I made at one of the estate sales.

Alright, here's a bit more.

And, my cousin/friend (it's hard to explain - we were raised together like cousins and are sure there's some distant, common relation; but we have no idea what it is) gave me a whole pile of old jewelry she found.

You'll get a better look and explanation of all of the thrifty haul as well as several more items in my Thrifty Thursday Haul Video

Now to actually take some time to create something from all (or at least some) of these treasures. Do you see anything that sparks inspiration for you? 

Art Journaling in August

 I have been hard at work, sharing videos on the YouTube Channel this past month as there were several mixed media and art journaling challenges during that time. I hate to not share some of the fruits of that creativity here, so I like to post the images and links to those videos in case they strike your interest. These are in order of how I shared them on YouTube. 

Mixed Media Tag - Seek Gather Create Week 1 

Art Journal Collab with Consie

Art Journal Page - SeekGatherCreate Week 2

Art Journal Page - SeekGatherCreate Week 3

Art Journal Spread - Mixed Media Menagerie Aug

Day 1 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 2 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 3 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 4 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Junk Journal Spread - SeekGatherCreate Week 4

Day 5 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 6 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 7 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 8 - TUAC5MinChallenge  - Junk Journal Page

Day 9 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Mixed Media Wall Art - SeekGatherCreate Week 5

Day 10 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

Day 11 - TUAC5MinChallenge - Junk Journal Page

If you watch the videos or read their descriptions, you'll get a good idea about each of the four challenges I worked on this month. Basically, they were 

1- Seek Gather Create - a mixed media scavenger hunt challenge in which you have five prompts each week of the month to create a single mixed media art piece. 

2 - Mixed Media Menagerie - an art journal challenge with three monthly prompts.

3 - TUAC5MinChallenge - a challenge from The Ugly Art Club (TUAC) that takes place just before they open the doors to enrollment in the club in which they challenge you to spend at least five minutes each day creating art. This season of it, they had a single prompt each day. 

4 - Collab with Consie - an art journal collaboration between myself and Consie to use three prompts from her inspiration deck and create an art journal page in fifteen minutes. 

If you have any questions about my art journaling in any way, please don't hesitate to ask away!

Five Beaded Designs from One Mix

 The folks at Jesse James Beads surprised the Design Ambassadors with a fun little challenge. We were all sent the same beautiful components with which to work.

While we were only asked to create a single design, I couldn't stop playing with these gorgeous elements and made five pieces! You can watch me reveal the bits they sent as well as make all five pieces in my Five Beaded Designs video on YouTube. 

But, if you just want to see what I pulled together, here's a reveal of each of the designs in the order that I made them. 

I was smitten with those roses and the little crimson tassels and just had to pair them up. 

This is the only appearance the crystal chain makes in my designs, but that just means that I have more of it to use later! Single links of it work as connectors for these pretty earrings. 

Those feather charms work great on their own, but the red crystals help add a little weight to these earrings. 

The maroon color of both the pearls and the tassels had me using them together, but the design changed mid-video, as you'll see if you watch. Of course, that large clasp is the real star of this bracelet. 

I always love an owl and knew I needed to use this one somehow. It became the focal on this simple necklace that uses a few more of the beads on beading wire (What!? I never use beading wire anymore.) This was quick and easy to pull together. 

And, those were my five designs. 

I still have quite a bit of chain and beads left to use on another day. It's amazing how much you get in a MINI mix from Jesse James Beads. I've still got a whole Magical Mystery Bead Box from them that I haven't touched yet. Keep an eye on my YouTube Channel for that reveal! Oh, and if you want to see what the other Design Ambassadors made, use #JJBAmbassador throughout social media to find us. (Here's the Instagram tag for good measure.)

If you're interested, these are the links to the products we were sent: 

Mini Mix in Bing Cherry

Gunmetal Rhinestone Chain

Organic Lobster Clasp in Silver

Feather Tassel Pair

Which of these five designs is your favorite? And, what would you have made?

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...