Diy Beaded Fan Pull

 The Magical Mystery Bead Box for May 2022 that I received from Jesse James Beads as a Design Ambassador was chock full of all kinds of amazing that I still haven't completely worked my way through. As I was showing off some of the beads to my husband, I realized that the large ceramic focal in the box would be perfect as a fan pull in our living room. And, y'all, it really is!

It took me less than ten minutes to pull it together. And, I know this because I let the camera roll in real time as I created the piece. 

You can watch me make this Beaded Fan Pull in the viewer above or head over to YouTube for the full experience. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have in the comments either here or there!

And, I'd love to know what you think of the process and product. 

1 comment:

  1. We have to surround ourselves with beautiful items, especially when we can make them ourselves :) I love the fan pull and think that using the clam shell bead cap is very smart!


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