Thrifty Thursday Haul - Estate Sale

I've been fortunate to discover that in my area, there are two antique stores that each do a big "Estate Sale" once a month in the warehouse portion of their locations. I like that it's not all cramped in someone's house, and I try to make a point of checking them out each month. They used to be held on the same weekend so I could hit them up on the same day, but they've since altered their schedules so they're not stacked on top of each other. In any case, this past weekend was one of the sales, and I made a pretty decent haul!

If you don't want to watch my Thrifty Thursday Haul on YouTube, here's a peek at what I brought home from the estate sale. 

There was this lovely Asian tin. It's a bit faded, but I like it!

I got a variety of bits and bobs for my assemblage-making. Oh, and there are some lobster clasps too. I also got a baggie of buttons, but I had them sorted and put away before I could get the pictures taken. Ooops!

This was the big score though.

I actually did a bit of bargaining to get this lot of vintage photos. That type of bartering isn't usually in my nature. But, I really wanted them, went for it, and was rewarded for my efforts!

Now, I've got to find some room in my over-packed craft room to store all these treasures. Eek!

Have you found any treasures lately?


  1. I love the tin box and waiting to see what you will make with it.

    1. Isn't it cool? It will probably be a bit before I get to it as I already have one similar to it. And, I've been kinda slacking lately. I think I've just put too much on my plate. Right this minute, I'm trying to focus on getting my craft area(s) in order so I'm not so overwhelmed. Eek!


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