Assemblage Art on YouTube

I believe I have mentioned before that I'm doing assemblage art as part of The 100 Day Project. You can follow #Assemblage100 on Instagram to get daily updates on my progress. But, I'm also posting many of the completed projects as process videos on YouTube. In case you've missed any of that, here's what I've shared so far.

Assemblage Art - All Ears

Mixed Media Altered Paintbrush

Vintage Flower Brooch Assemblage Art

Those are the just ones I shared in March. There are already another couple of assemblage videos on the CraftyHope YouTube Channel this month if you can't get enough!


  1. I love the brush and I am really intrigued by some of the ongoing experiments on Instagram. I would love to read more about them.

    1. Divya, Thank you! I probably should share more about the assemblage on here and not just on YouTube. I think I'm working my way back to blogging, maybe. But, I'm still trying to catch up on everything that got pushed aside while I was injured. It's taking some time. And, I have ideas for many more other projects that I'm working on making way for. I really appreciate your interest and apologize for taking so long to respond here!

  2. I am very impressed by your assemblage projects, what a creative way to use all the bits and pieces you've been collecting!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...