Peek at My Week (Oct 17-23)

 It's my birthday today, so I'm hoping to make this short and sweet.

Last week began beautifully with a fun day with a friend exploring the Daphne Jubilee Arts Festival and then having lunch.

On Monday, I was determined to try to get some work done, so I gathered all my treasures to find some inspiration.

Tuesday included a few fun bits. Of course, there was laundry duty too. Artemis was no help as she climbed into my basket.

She's lucky she's cute!

I had won an Amazon gift card and bought myself a little treat that came in late in the day.
This Himi Gouache set was on sale.

I didn't have time to test them out before I ran to the library for an event.
We made pumpkins from old books!

Back in the craft room on Wednesday, I created some mark-making tools.
These are for The Magpie's Nest, a workshop from Aimee Bishop on Jeanne Oliver's site

I finished up several earrings for the booth on Thursday as well as went about my day. Once again, a cat got in on the act of my chores. 
Rosalina insisted on staying in the bed when I made it. lol!

I took the new pieces to Southern Antiques and Accents on Friday morning.
From there, I headed to Mobile to visit with my mom for a little while.

I also announced a giveaway on YouTube for reaching 2,000 Subscribers

Saturday was a bit slow, but I busted out a few tasks I needed to work on like the You, Me, Same 3 for October. I'll share that reveal on Saturday. But, I also spent some time in the yard and admired my little collections from this week. 

In the evening, we watched football. And, Zoe crashed out with us on the couch with her own ball. 


  1. Happy birthday Hope! Enjoy your day! Thanks for sharing your week with us!

    1. Aw, thanks, Mary! I got to do some of my favorite things. It was very nice.


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