July Honey Do List Reveal

While I am abundantly aware that July has ended, I also know that Sarajo at SJ Designs Jewelry leaves the linky tool open for about a month after the reveal date for each of her challenges. The Honey Do List challenge is one that her husband, Eric, offers to her each month. He gives her a photo from which she can draw inspiration to create jewelry designs. And, she shares that photo on her blog for other jewelry artists to use also. I was a bit overwhelmed in July but knew that the photo was one that would lead me to a great design. And, I wasn't mistaken!

I really adore the necklace that I made from this inspiration photo. 

You see, the crest in the middle of the photo (among the leaves of the tree), called out to me. I decided to create a crest-shaped pendant from tin. And, I was determined to use a tin that had leaves on it.

In addition, I incorporated blacked steel wire that echos the wrought iron of the gate. I realized that this completed necklace doesn't scream of the original photo, but it's those little elements within the photo that pulled me to create this fabulous piece. 

I'll be adding this Floral Crest Necklace to the CraftyHope Etsy Shop today.

As always, thanks go out to Sarajo and Eric for the inspiration. Make sure to head over to the reveal of the Honey Do List to see what else was made from the photo. 


  1. This is a beautiful piece! The tin has a gorgeous pattern and the tiny wire wrapped beads in the chain are a lovely detail! Sarajo and Eric's picture challenge were a refreshing diversion from wire weaving for me but it looks like I took a break from a whole lot of challenges this year. It wasn't planned, just happened.

  2. Sorry to be commenting so late... life has been moving too fast this month! I adore this necklace! You do some really amazing things with your tins... I've got to carve out time to play with some of mine. I'm so glad that you got inspired by this one! Hoping to be back in the game in September. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Girl, no worries at all. These past few months feel like they've been a blur. I completely understand! You really should go for it with the tin. I bet you will make something AMAZING!! Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store.

  3. Necklace is so creative I love the colors, thank you for sharing.

    1. Aw, thank you, Gloria! Your kind words and made my morning.


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