Spring Flowers (SJ Honey Do List Reveal)

As I've mentioned in a few previous posts, Spring has definitely sprung in my little corner of South Alabama. Everything is in bloom. For this month's Honey Do List at SJ Designs Jewelry, Eric chose a perfect photo to really help me get geared up for the season. It's full of little pink and white wildflowers. I actually don't often make jewelry with much pink but was sure that the photo inspiration would kick-start something beautiful. 

Honestly, I didn't know where to start with this inspiration. But, a week or so ago, I suddenly remembered a tin in my stash with some pink flowers on it. 

As soon as I pulled it out, I knew it was perfect for this challenge. 

I've been playing around with adding hardware snap rings to tin with rivets and had wanted to try to make a sort of bracelet bar with that idea. So, I cut some of the flowers from the tin, punched a few holes, and added the snap rings.

It worked out beautifully.

From there, I used bracelet bending pliers to gently arc the bar for comfort. After that, came the hard part, figuring out the chain. Y'all, I struggled so hard with that for some reason. 
Actually, I knew the reason. I wanted to make flowers but not on cord like a typical daisy chain.  I wanted them to be on wire. It took a bit of research, but I finally found one old tutorial on a blog that was fairly close to what I wanted.

With some fiddling, I made them work just the way I wanted. I've created a Beads & Wire Flower tutorial if you're interested in how to make them too. 

In the end, this bracelet is just what I wanted for the challenge from Sarajo and Eric. It's so sweet and just screams of spring.

As always, a big thank you goes out to Sarajo and Eric for inspiring me to create something I wouldn't have thought of without them. Make sure you head over to the SJ Honey Do List Reveal for March and see what Sarajo and the other participants have made. And, if you're inspired to create something too, make sure to share it! She'll have the linky tool open for about a month. 

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


  1. I absolutely love this bracelet. Those wire flowers are just inspired, and that tin matches perfectly. Simply lovely!!

    1. Aw, thank you! It's not much like something I've ever made before, but it is perfect too. I'm relieved that I was able to work it out since Pink isn't usually my thing and it's what stood out to me the most from the inspiration photo. Thank heavens I remembered that tin!! Of course, now I want to go tin-shopping to make sure I always have some on hand, no matter the inspiration. LOL. I hope you're well!

  2. Hope, this is a beautiful bracelet with lots of creativity in design. Well Done!

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy! It was a bit of a struggle for a little while, but I'm so glad I pushed through and was able to make what I envisioned. Now, to work on that flower tutorial!

  3. I love the wire chain chain. I have used them as earring components before but never as a beaded chain. This a really great idea.

    1. Thank you, Divya! It felt like it took me FOREVER to figure out how to wire up those little flowers. I'm so glad I found a tutorial that was just what I wanted. Your kind words mean so much!

  4. I love the tin but the chain is everything this focal needed! Pretty in pink but not too girly because of the hardware and wire used, I really like it!

    1. Yes! I tried to tone it down with the dark hardware. I'm so pleased you see that. Yay!

  5. So pretty! And this is just perfect.

    1. Thank you so much, Ann. When I saw that inspiration, all I saw was PINK, which isn't really my usual jam. But, I decided to go with it. And, I'm so very glad that I did because this bracelet is came out better than I actually expected. Whew! I do appreciate your kind words more than you know!

  6. I totally hear you on the pink... I'm not much of a pink girl myself! I adore what you created here! So many smart and inspired ideas. I really need to play more with the tins I've collected. I think I get intimidated. Thanks for playing along with us and sharing your creativity!

    1. Don't let those tins scare you. They're so versatile and "user-friendly". Go for it! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  7. Using that tin was inspired! Also I love the little flowers you made. Really good job on the challenge!

    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate the inspiration you give out each month. It always has me thinking outside the box.


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