Happy New Year - Planning, Dreaming, Hoping

As the new year dawns, what really is going to change? The world and our country are still in chaos and disagreement. This really only mildly affects me and my day-to-day life. I'm okay with staying home as much as possible and respecting others by wearing a mask when I do go out. But, I'm also optimistic about what's to come. I try not to allow fear and dread to bring me down on the first or on any day of the year. I hope you're looking ahead with hope and light as well.

As for my own goals and plans for the year, I hate to say it but many of them are the same as last year. I feel like I'm getting a do-over. I've made a little list of things that I want to try: sawing metal, enameling, encaustic art. As well, there are tasks I want to tackle: building a website, organizing our utility room, and expanding the craft room. 

I sat down and wrote the above "goals" out a few days ago along with a few other thoughts such as "It's so hard to 'start fresh' when everything around me is upside down." My house and home are chaotic as we continue to put things back together from the hurricane. It's going to months-years before things are back in place.

I watched this Let's Talk Goals video from my friend Tiffany of Southern Gals Designs and she emphasized breaking big goals into smaller attainable ones. I know this tactic, but hearing her say it really resonated with me. So, I'm going to try to plan out my calendar a little more thoughtfully to actually get to those things I want to accomplish.

To start, I have two little things that I can do to begin my year in a better place. For one, I've been working the last couple of days to try to re-establish my morning routine of morning doodles, day planning, and reflection while I have my coffee (hopefully on the porch). As well, I want to turn all the hangers in my closet backward until I wear the item that's on them. Then, in a few months, I can evaluate what I'm actually wearing and need to keep in my closet. 

And, that's pretty much it for now. I'm trying to realistic about the year. I know after the past several that setting lofty goals for the year isn't for me. I recognize that every moment is a new starting point, so I don't have to use this first of January as mine.

I did see this post from Morgan Harper Nichols on Instagram in which she has a video that you can quickly take a screencap to see what your Word for the year is. Mine came up as Reveal.
Though I'm not quite going to embrace this as MY WORD, I like the idea of it (as I probably would have any word that came up for me). But, I thought I would share it in case you're still looking for some focus for inspiration for the year, month, day.

Here's wishing you a wonderful 2021. What are your intentions for it?


  1. Happy 2021! I am cautiously optimistic about the future given the vaccines, but you’re right, we are politically and socially divided, and will remain so unless we are all willing to try to understand one another. It’s a tough ask. I hope we find a way.


  2. Regardless of our optimism, it's not over yet but yes, there was something good for us in it. Unfortunately, it has and will continue to affect businesses, hopefully, not for long. I haven't even set goals but there are a few I'll be working on - purging unnecessary craft supplies, making statement pieces, expanding designs and techniques and doing more shows, etc. Let the good things be with us :)

  3. A very happy 2021 to you Hope. I look forward to seeing your artistic experiments, creations and perusing you link suggestions this year.

    1. Divya, Thank you! Back at ya! I know you've always got something spectacular up your sleeve. I'm looking forward to it.


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