Bead Soup is BACK - meet my partner

It's been quite a few years since Lori Anderson hosted the Bead Soup Blog Party as she was dealing with some of her own health issues. She's since created Bead Soup Cafe on Facebook and opened up sign-ups for a swap a few weeks ago. It should come as no surprise that I jumped at the opportunity! As most people no longer blog, it's not called the Bead Soup Blog Hop anymore. Instead, she's rebranded it as the Bead Soup Swap & Create. The partner list rolled out about a week ago, and I'd like to introduce you to my partner, Robin Reed, a jewelry designer in Indiana. You can see her designs on her Facebook Page, Artistry: Handcrafted Bead Designs

Most of her jewelry is created from stone and glass beads.

As well, she also has some gorgeous metal pieces.

So, do you want to know what I sent her?

Well. . .I can't show you yet. She hasn't received it. But, I can give you a teaser of what's in the mail.

I CAN tell you that there's at least one focal, clasp, and coordinating beads. Those are the rules of the swap in any case.

Don't fret, we should be receiving our packages soon and I can reveal all, including what she sent me! Then, we'll both have to get to making something. The reveal date for that is April 3rd. Stay tuned!


  1. Ahhh, I kinda miss those bead soup days...looking forward to seeing how it turns out :-)

    1. Tammie, I've totally missed those days. It's how I made so many of my bead friends and found a community. It may be more nostalgic than anything, but I'm happy to participate again. (It's like the "old times" ;) )

  2. I too miss enjoying the Bead Soup reveals! Glad to hear it’s back and look forward to seeing what you all create.

    1. Thanks Lynda! I just opened my package from my partner and should be revealing that soon. Thanks for stopping in!

  3. I missed the sign-up but I'm already looking forward to the reveals :)

  4. I'm so glad that I saw your post about it on social media and then read more about it. I'm looking forward to doing my 1st ever bead soup swap! I already mailed my goodies, so I guess I could go ahead and do a post like you've got here. I'll do something this weekend as a teaser. Sparkle on!

    1. Monica, It's got to be exciting for the first time. It's not mine, and I'm excited! As I mentioned before, teaser posts are fine until your partner gets what you sent her. Typically, Lori asks that we not spoil the excitement for them by revealing too much before they get their beads. After that, the only secret is what you made, and that gets shared on the reveal date. It's always so fun to hop around and see what everyone created.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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