Peek at My Week (Dec 20-26)

How was your Christmas? I stepped away a bit last week to take my time, enjoy the holiday, and feel a bit like I was having a vacation. It was weird to not be stressing about blogging or getting videos up, but it was what I needed. I may do that a little more in the coming year. For now, let's take a peek at how I spent my mini-break.  

On Sunday, I worked on and off on a variety of tasks in the craft room. For one, I worked in my art journal on Kasia's Advent Calendar (from Everything Art)

Pat continued to work on tearing down the old pole barn. As I left on an errand, I noticed that it almost looked like a manger and would have worked great for a live nativity. 

All week, I've been obsessed with these.

They're just little watercolored shapes that I cut out and have been doodling on. But, they've kept my hands busy and let me feel creative. 

On Monday, I skipped thinking about the blog and whatnot and focused on my household chores and whatever it was I felt like doing. And, that's how the day got away from me. 

I did take the time to notice how cute Rosalina was in her bunny pose.

The dew on these clover leaves sparkled like crystals and totally stopped me in my tracks.

And, I made sure to check the night sky for the "Christmas Star"

This was about the best picture I could get but you can still see two stars close to one another - and that was what the fuss was all about.

Tuesday was more art journaling.

 I worked again on Kasia's Advent Calendar but that didn't really calm my craving to create.

I decided to just do some random play and made the above page that included several of my watercolor circles - doodled and un-doodled. 

Almost all week, I was checking on my sister-in-law's cats in the mornings while she was out of town. And, I snapped this picture of Captain just before I left there on Wednesday.

I can't even tell you where the rest of the day went, because I have little idea. In the afternoon, Pat and I sat on the swing for a while with beverages. We enjoyed the 70-degree temperature before the cold set in the next day. 

I spent most of Thursday (Christmas Eve) at my mom's to help her make the seafood gumbo that we have for Christmas. It's an all-day process!

(And, it's well worth it too!)
I also got to spend a little time with both of my nieces at the same time. Now that one lives at my house and the other at my mom's, they're hardly together anymore. And, that's kinda weird. So, it was good to see them bonding some.

Though I'm still a big kid, I wasn't up as early as I usually am on Christmas Morning - I stayed up too late reading. But, got breakfast started before Pat and I opened presents. He seriously surprised me!

Yes, he gave me an acoustic guitar from my favorite guitar company. No, I don't play guitar - that's why it was a surprise. LOL. I was kinda speechless as I hadn't ever really planned on learning the guitar (that's always been his thing), but now that's exactly what I'm doing. And, I kinda like it!

The other surprise for the day was coming home with this baby.

One of the nieces and I had been going back and forth for a few weeks about whether I would take one of the kittens from her boyfriend's cat's litter. She brought the kitten over for Christmas morning, and as soon as I saw her, I knew I wasn't going home without her. We've named her Artemis, and you can expect plenty more pictures of her to come. 

On Saturday, we picked up supplies for the new addition and for Zoe (our dog) along with lunch. Then, we spent the day at home with our gifts.

It was a really low-key week, and just what I needed. 

As for inspiration throughout the week, here's what I discovered:
I'm trying to recenter and begin to think about the new year, what I want to accomplish in the new year, and what I want to get done before it. Tell me, how are you preparing for 2021? Got any new creative endeavors in the works?


  1. Happy holidays, Hope! All the best to you and yours! Artemis is so sweet, I'm looking forward to see more of her :) I, too, took a break from crafting during the holidays, even though it's the only time I can devote a whole day to making stuff. But I decided to take it easy :)

  2. Happy New year to you and yours. Wishing yet another year of creativity!


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