Meadow of Flowers Necklace (Reveal for SJ Honey Do List)

 It was 27 degrees Fahrenheit here in South Alabama when I woke up on this first day of December. That's flippin' COLD here! But, it's already in the '40s, so that's a relief. Even with the dip in temperatures, it's a bright and sunny day much like the necklace that I'm about to reveal for the SJ November Honey Do List. I urge you to check out the inspiration photo of a field of bright red poppies. I think that I kind of captured it with my contribution.

When I saw the photo that Eric had given Sarajo for inspiration, I knew immediately that I had nothing poppy-related in my stash. However, I had forgotten about this pendant I had made in my Using Vintaj Patinas video. I happened upon it while restocking my Bead Box and immediately knew that it was perfect for this challenge. 

The pendant was made by painting several colors of Vintaj Patinas onto a copper blank to create my field of bright flowers. I sealed it with a matte glaze to keep it from being too shiny. 

The abstract-ness of the flowers somewhat mimics the blur of the poppies in Eric's photo. And, come on, they're both a field of flowers. 

To complete my necklace, I selected a mix of colorful glass beads. They're from the same set so all the beads are the same, they're just different colors. I did my best to make sure it wasn't too matchy-matchy.

The beads are wired together with antiqued copper wire to match the back of the pendant. I've also just listed this beautiful Flower Meadow Necklace on Etsy if you'd like to see more pictures of it. 

And, that completes my contribution to the Honey Do List for November. I know Sarajo has made some really stunning pieces this month, so I encourage you to head over to SJ Designs Jewelry to see what she and any other participants have made. And, thank you to Sarajo and Eric for another lovely inspiration!

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  1. I have been leaning towards multi colour these days. So I really dig your piece even if its doe not necessarily have poppies on it (It didnt even register until you pointed it out).

    1. Divya, Thank you! Maybe I shouldn't have pointed it out. Ha! I was just so happy to already have this in my stash made and to have a way to finally use it! It worked out perfectly.

  2. I love this happy poppy necklace! You did such a great job with the focal!

  3. I'm sorry I'm so slow to comment... I just don't know where the time keeps going. I love this bright and cheerful design... it's so darn happy! Your painted pendant is adorable and the mix of beads you put with it is just perfect. Thanks for playing along with us and being patient when we are slow.

    1. Sarajo, No worries at all. I understand about the time slipping away. Thank YOU for continuing to offer up some inspiration in these dreary times. Having a little focus makes it easier to stay productive. I really appreciate it - more than you know!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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