Peek at My Week (Nov 8-14)

How was your week? As for myself (and Pat), we started it still feeling a little off-kilter and needed a mood booster. So, we made a quick run down to Gulf Shores for some beach therapy.

The sun, saltwater, and sea air definitely helped us center ourselves a little more. 

Monday was mostly about going through the motions. Our new phones came in, and I couldn't wait to activate them so I could test out the camera.
Since it was evening, I got a great idea of how well night-mode worked! Seriously, it was pitch-black out when I took this photo. So cool!

On Tuesday, I worked on chores before heading to Mobile to meet my niece for her dentist appointment. I gave myself a little extra time to get over there so that I could wander one of my favorite antique malls before the appointment. Alas, I didn't find anything that needed to come home with me. On the way home, I was fortunate to catch the sunset along Mobile Bay.

After I put the chickens to bed (closed up their coops), I spied this tiny gecko that we've all been ogling for a few days.
The holes in that screen are pretty small if that gives you any kind of size reference. 

I knew I've been putting off making some jewelry for longer than I should. So, on Wednesday, I made it a priority to at least start pulling out materials that piqued my interest.
But, that was about as far as I got on that.

I did take a little time to walk around the yard with Zoe and test out the phone's camera more. 
This is just one of a whole series of pictures I collected. I'm totally smitten with my new "toy".

On Thursday, I worked in ernest on coming up with designs and stocking my bead box (I should have a reveal of the last one for you sometime this week!)

For the first time in something like eight months, we ate at a restaurant! A friend of ours was coming through town and met us at a local place for lunch on the patio. It was his first time at a restaurant since March too! In the afternoon, I craved working in an art journal, so I played.

On Friday (the 13th), I was up early, and ready to be creative.

I began the day on the deck with my doodle book and journals.

After that, I had a hard time focusing on the household chores as I really just wanted to keep stocking the bead box. It felt so good to have some creative mojo back after such a block. I even worked on another art journal page.

While there's still so much to accomplish out in the yard on the recovery front, I felt focused on working on tasks in the house, both cleaning and creative. So, I did what I felt driven to do. In the late afternoon, Pat and I enjoyed a few beers out on the swing together before the sun set.
I admired all the fall colors on my Japanese Maple tree.

I'm pleased that my muse may be returning and hope that you're finding some inspiration too. Here's some I found for you!
  • This leather cord wrap bracelet tutorial inspired me so much that I've got something similar in mind stocked in the bead box now. 
  • While looking at the monthly palettes from Halcraft Collection, I stumbled on the tutorial for this bright and fun juicy bracelet
  • It's not too early to start on your Christmas projects. Here's a roundup of 150 Simple Christmas Decorating Ideas that mostly include repurposing items!
  • Speaking of Christmas, I found these Free Embroidey Patterns for Christmas
  • I've never made a rope necklace but this Rope Necklace Tutorial makes it look easy enough. 
  • There's something really appealing about these DIY Faux Enamel Number Tags. I'm not sure how I would use these but am glad to have learned the techniques. 
  • Somehow, I totally forgot that I was subscribed to the CrafsMan but stumbled on his Copper Patinas Tutorial. He's super entertaining. I've now got my husband watching his videos, and CrafsMan inspired me to patina a washer for the bead box!
And, that's it for this week. I hope yours has been wonderful and that you have a fabulous week ahead! Let me know what's inspiring you. 

1 comment:

  1. Your new phone is doing a great job with the pictures! I'm sure you will be taking more with pleasure :) I like the rope necklace tutorial, now I'm thinking of creative ways to use it in my work :)


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