
This year has been full of unprecedented awful. But, there is still beauty in this world. So, on this day of thanks (Thanksgiving in America), I thought it would be best to take a chance to remind myself and share with you what I'm grateful for.

  • First, and foremost I'm thankful for my husband. There's no way I would get through this life without him by my side. He's my rock, my encourager, my everything.
  • Of course, we wouldn't be the people we are without our families. And, even through all our ups and downs and not always seeing eye-to-eye, there's no way we would have had the strength and optimism to persist in some of the challenges we've faced.
  • I'm so very thankful for our home and property. Hurricane Sally hit us hard and changed our landscape forever. But, change can be good, and we're finding that things needed to change out here. We've been given the opportunity to make our own stamp on Silverlox and not just go with the footprint that already exists. We were much luckier than some people. We realize that and are grateful. We have a secure roof over our heads and warm beds every night. That's plenty to be thankful for. 
  • The love of our pets, Zoe and Rosalina as well as the joy of raising chickens (they have no love for us, they're chickens), is something else to savor for sure.
  • Our health. We've been very fortunate to have stayed healthy this year. Though we both need check-ups, we're letting those that need medical attention have it as doctors and staff are overwhelmed with the current pandemic status.
  • We have some financial stability. There are so many who can't say the same and are really struggling this year. I recognize how privileged we are and am hoping we can find some way to give back this holiday season. 
  • Our friends. It's been a struggle to have and keep connections with so many of our friends. I have a close-knit few that I've been able to see out in the wild over this year and it's been such a joy to have that contact. I'm desperate to see and hug a few more, but despite the distance and time, I know our friends will be there on the other side of this.
  • Hobbies! Having a variety of interests in crafts and outdoor activities has definitely kept me sane.
  • Technology is a real blessing most of the time. It's helped maintain friendships, keep us entertained, and pays the bills.
  • The election of a new president. I'm so thankful. That's all I'll say about that.
  • All of you! You're included in the friend category as well, but we'll likely never see each other face-to-face. I want to make sure you know how thankful I am that you come to read my blatherings and leave comments that delight and inform me so. (Even if I am awful at responding to them sometimes.) I feel blessed to have found each of you here in this wide world of the web. Thank you for being here!
I KNOW there are many more things that could be added to this list, but it's a start. I hope you have plenty to be grateful for this year and take the time to reflect on it. Let me know what you're most thankful for below. I believe that gratitude is important to keep perspective. 
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I admire the way you are giving thanks in spite of all the hardships. Wishing you many good days ahead.

  2. I, too, am thankful for many of the things you have mentioned. The pandemic has actually not changed our lives much. We have our hobbies, land, home, and kitties to keep us very busy. In addition to our own cats, we are fostering a mom cat and her five kittens.......pure joy! I'm also very thankful for you and your fun and interesting blog. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Mary, I think not going out to dinner and not seeing my friends very often have been the greatest hardships for me over this year, but I'm looking forward to hopefully getting to do those things again. For now, I'd rather us all stay safe and healthy. But, otherwise, our lives haven't altered much either. How fun to have all those kittens in the house. I'm toying with the idea of getting another kitten as my niece's boyfriend's cat has kittens that are old enough for new homes. I'm just trying to decide if I want to take that on right now. You are too kind, I appreciate you popping in! Thank you so much.

  3. They say that when you are thankful, you are blessed with more things to be thankful for. I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving! Have a great weekend!

    1. Divya, I haven't heard that before. But, I definitely agree that recognizing your blessings helps you see the many you have. Here's hoping you're staying well and joyful!

  4. Great post Hope! We are thankful for all the same things. What a year this has been, but we are still here, still strong, still hopeful.

    1. Lorraine, Thank you!! It's been a bear of a year for sure. So many tears and heartbreaks, but there's still so much to look forward to. Wishing y'all all the best!

  5. Such a beautiful post, Hope! It it is loaded with positivity!

  6. I have lots to be thankful for. My life changed for the better. My grandson relocated from Georgia to Delaware and lives with his family within 20 minutes away from my home. My son bought his first house and got a promotion and my husband and I are in good health. I remind myself daily how fortunate we have been.

    1. Kathy, That is fabulous news! Here's wishing you all the best for the holiday season and year ahead.


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