Fuchsia Foxglove Earrings (Honey Do List Reveal)

I'm drawn to design challenges like a moth to a flame. They present me with inspiration that I may not have considered otherwise, and they push me out of my comfort zone. Sarajo and Eric's monthly Honey Do List at SJ Designs Jewelry is the perfect example of this. Eric gives his wife a picture he's taken to inspire her designs. She shares it on her blog for the rest of it too. The photo inspiration this month had so much texture to it, there were many directions I could have taken. 
I was definitely drawn to the wavy, horizontal dried grass and the moss on the rocks in the photo. But, I couldn't take my eyes off the bright pink flowers in the foreground. I've recently learned that this is probably Foxglove. 

So, I created these Fuchsia Foxglove earrings with this month's inspiration. 
I began with just one silver-colored cone that I painted with Vintaj Patina in Ruby. But, then I wondered if I could MAKE some cones in varying sizes (I only had one size of them.)

I decided to try rolling discs of cookie tins that I had on hand with my round-nose pliers. And, it worked out pretty well. They were also painted with the Vintaj Patina and sealed.

The five cones by themselves didn't have enough interest for me. So, from there, I added matching bright pink seed beads onto silver headpins, one bead per pin. Those were strung up into the cones with eye pins, and a wrapped loop was formed at the top of each pink cone. These were connected to one another with oval jump rings. (A short length of chain would have worked too, but I already had the jump rings out.) I made sure to layer the cones like the flower, with the largest at the bottom. The jump ring at the top connects to the simple ear wire. And, that was it!

I have to admit that while these match the inspiration well, they are so bright and pink that they don't exactly match my style. However, they've given me inspiration for some other designs that I've already begun. And, I will be adding them to my booth at Southern Antiques and Accents today if you like them and they match your style. 

A big thank you goes out to Sarajo and Eric for sharing the inspiration and for challenging me each month. I love seeing where the photos they share take me. Make sure you head over to SJ Designs Jewelry for the big reveal of what Sarajo made. You may even find other artists like myself who also chose to take on this challenge. 

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  1. I know that this is not your style, but still its a great interpretation.

    1. Thanks! I definitely felt like it was perfect for the challenge. And, I went ahead and threw them in my booth the first chance I had. And, they sold immediately! I was so surprised. I guess I need to get on those other designs that I came up with in the process!

  2. I love the earrings but most of all how you made the components! And I forgot to comment on the previous post about all those great tips on painting small parts and using the ironing board :)

  3. These are amazing! I've never seen anything quite like them, and they really fit the challenge!

    1. Aw, thanks, Eric! I'm so glad these worked out as well as they did. Thank you for the inspiration!

  4. Not only do these fit the challenge, but they are very cool in a maker way and totally fit many people's styles. Win-win-win! I can just imagine these with a cute sundress at an outdoor party. Such happy earrings!

    1. Ann, Aw, thank you!! I'm hoping to eventually make some smaller versions of these, maybe with just 1-3 cones on them as I do think the shape is really sweet. I'm glad you do too!

  5. Sorry I'm hopping so very late... time has been getting away from me lately. Yikes!! Anyway, these earrings are so cool! You seriously come up with some of the coolest ideas. I just love what you did to make the cones and how you layered them like the flowers. I look forward to seeing where else this kernel of an idea takes you! Thanks for playing along with us!!

    1. I'm running behind on everything myself and I don't even have anything as exciting as butterflies hatching to blame for it! I'm so pleased you like these. I adore using your challenges as spring boards for ideas because you present me with something I may not have taken on myself. As for other ideas from these, I've already got a necklace in the Etsy shop that sprang from this rolled-cone idea. Thanks! :)


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