Peek at my Weeks (June 14-27)

I've not been so great on the blogging front lately. I've been distracted and only semi-inspired. But, I'd hate to get too behind on posting and lose any momentum. So, I'm here with another peek at the last two weeks.
Dealing with our three baby chickens has taken up most of my time and attention. Two weeks ago, we began introducing them to the outside since they've been living in Pat's office ever since we brought them home. 

The following Tuesday, I noticed that my swap lilies were beginning to bloom. And, they were quite productive this year!

As I worked on my 100 Day Project on Wednesday, I was taken with the water droplets of ink in one of my palettes. Don't they look like little jewels?

On the way to bed on Monday, I had to snap a picture of these sleepy chicks. We were headed to bed ourselves.

As the rain began to subside on Tuesday, I was taken with the drops coming from the trees. It felt almost magical.

After we discovered one of the chicks in Pat's office chair on Wednesday morning, we knew it was time to get serious about moving them out there. So, we spent a portion of the morning covering the chicken yard with netting to keep predators out. And, since then, the chicks have spent daylight hours out there.

While working on the netting, I spotted this dried oak branch that looked like it had dreadlocks. I was so tickled over it! Somehow, it reminds me of a Muppet. 

Thursday was full of cuteness from some of the other pets. Rosalina was in desperate need of some head snuggles. (She loves my hair!)

And, Zoe can't help but be cute; especially when you're holding toes and she's super confused by it. 😂

On Saturday, we got serious about building a small coop of the chicks. They're not quite big enough for the big coop or for being introduced to Bertha without a barrier. We EXHAUSTED ourselves in the humidity. Alas, all the rain has turned the pool green and we couldn't even jump in there to get relief from the heat. We didn't quite finish their new habitat so they spent one last night int he house. (They should be sleeping out there tonight!)

I did a better job over the last two weeks of keeping up with my #The100DayProject.
Day 69 was all about using some of the rolls of medical paper tape I have hoarded. I used it both to create texture for the flower as well as for background to my sentiment. 

I struggled a bit with days 70 & 71, especially combining the neon gel sticks and the rustic Tim Holtz scrapbook papers. I think this kinda works in the end.

Though I only have a couple of stamp-and-die-cut sets, it was my task to use at least one of them (I've never used either of them) on Day 72. 

Since I love my Nickel Azo Gold fluid acrylic paint so much, obviously I never use it. It's too precious. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!? So, on Day 73 I was forced to break it out and create something...amazing.

Again with the hoarding of precious treasures, I forced myself on Day 74 to use a couple of tickets from a stash of ephemera I had won last year.

On Day 75, I used some of my homemade alcohol sprays to create the above page. I dig it!

Using some of my letter stencils was the task for Day 76. It's not as awesome as I had hoped, but it worked. 

On Day 77, it was all about using one of the images from the Botanical set from Tim Holtz. That was easy enough.

Seam Binding and Bias Tape had my attention on Day 78. Since there were a couple of tags already on my desk, waiting to be used, I thought they would be perfect for the fabric pieces. 

When I finally realized that my use of double-sided tape could be foam tape, I was all over Day 79's challenge. 

Using my Posca paint pens on Day 80 didn't sound too hard. But, I made sure to keep the page simple so that the marks still stood out. 

For Day 81, I had assigned myself using paper from a yearbook. That's never too hard for me, but I struggled a little as I had JUST used an image only days before. 

I should have also gotten day 82 completed, but working on that chick coop zapped all my energy. No worries...I got it caught up today. 

As usual, I like to leave you with a bit of inspiration from the internet, so here goes:

I hope you're finding loads of other inspiration. If so, I'd love to hear about it!


  1. You are a very talented photographer-----you have a good eye! Your little chicks are adorable. Your 100day project is inspiring!

    1. Mary, Thank you! I do love to take pictures. And, editing them so the light is JUST RIGHT can be fun too. But, I do edit most of them, so don't think these are straight out of the camera. But, I do like to find and share beauty and quirky bits where ever I can. Thank you for taking a peek!

  2. My favorite pages are days 73, 74 (those colors!!) and 77. I love seeing what you make.

    1. Ann, Thank you so much!! I've really enjoyed exploring my art-making more with this project. And, though each thing I make isn't a masterpiece, I do get to learn a little more about what I do and don't like. That's kinda the benefit of the project for me. I appreciate you taking a peek.

  3. The picture of the ink droplets is so unexpected and fabulous, at first I couldn't event get it, I thought is was a ceramic plate! Pets are such stress reliever, aren't they :) I love Lisa Yang's tutorial, it's the easiest I have tried.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...