Image Transfer Technique and Art Journaling Videos in May

Today over on YouTube I've shared a SUPER QUICK image transfer technique using packing tape. If you've done any kind of papercraft, you've likely seen this technique before. But, since it is so easy, I thought I'd go ahead and share. Here's how my transfer came out.
Isn't that cool?

This Packing Tape Photo Transfer uses only a few materials: a photocopy of an image, packing tape, a bone folder, and warm water.
It's easy peasy!

Since we're talking paper techniques and YouTube today, I thought it would be the right time to do my round-up of Art Journaling videos over the last month in case you missed any. Clicking on the pictures and/or captions should take you to the videos. Make sure to like and subscribe while you're there!
Textured Art Journaling

Art Journal Page with Stabilo Woodys

Mixed Media Tissue Paper Fairy

Quick Art Journal Page

Art Journaling with Distress Stains

Stenciled Art Journal Page

Using Paper Flowers in an Art Journal

All of these were created as part of my #The100DayProject as I'm exploring my papercraft materials and trying to find ways to use them. If you have any questions about art journaling or any of the techniques or materials I use in the videos, please don't hesitate to ask!


  1. Your newer journal pages are incredibly detailed and I love all the layers. Thanks for sharing this easy technique. I'll try it out

    1. Aw, thanks Divya! Let me know what you think and good luck with the transfer(s).


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