Art Journaling You May Have Missed

When I'm not making jewelry, you can usually find me throwing everything else in the craft room at an art journal. Some of those pages get shared on YouTube fairly often, but it's easier for me to just share those on a month-to-month basis here on the blog. Here's a look at what I shared in March. If you click on the pictures/links, you'll be redirected to the video that shows how I created each of the pages. 

Getting it All Out Art Journal

Messy Art Journal Play

Fairy Art Journal Page

You may have already seen this one, and it's not technically an art journal page, but I don't think the art journal police will mind if I throw it in for good measure. 
Easy Gnome Collage

Oh, and I have to thank all of you who follow me on YouTube. I just hit 1,000 subscribers!!!

So THANK YOU if you're one of the ones following me. And, if you're not, please do. I'm considering a celebratory giveaway.

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