Catching up with Challenges and Inspiration

Can we just say that the last two weeks were awful? My grandmother had a dramatic decline in her health, we moved her to a hospice facility for a couple of days, she passed, and we laid her to rest. Yup, awful.

I wasn't able to share much here as my attention was focused on her care. So, I'd like to play catch up a little with some of my recurring posts. Let's start with the February Challenges and Inspirations

  • The Earrings Everyday We're All Ears reveal is just days away on Feb 21st. But, you still have time to come up with something great. I know that I was inspired just as soon as I saw the pictures from Jon Foreman that Erin shared to spark our creativity. 
  • Over at SJ Designs Jewelry, you'll find a photo taken by Sarajo's husband Eric that he's given to her as inspiration, and she's shared it with us. The reveal for this Honey Do List Challenge is Feb 24th. 
  • This month's theme at Art Elements is Letters. This prompt could be taken in so many ways, and my mind is already reeling with ideas. Remember that this challenge is open to any medium, but that you need to sign up on their post's comments in order to be included in the blog hop. The reveal is Feb 29th. 

Each week, I usually share some of the other inspirations I've found online as part of mt "Peek at My Week". However, since I haven't been able to make those posts, you didn't get to see the inspiration. Here are the few links I did find.
I think that catches me up for the most part. I'm looking forward to using the challenges and inspiration to distract me at this tough time. Here's hoping you've have a better several weeks. 


  1. Again, I'm sorry for your loss, Hope! At least, your grandmother didn't suffer for a long time and she is at peace now. And you have all those beautiful memories wit her. As for the challenges, I have something in mind for the Letters one but am too busy with art and craft shows right now. We'll see :)

  2. I really very sorry to hear about your grandmom. My sympathies to you and your family. I am amazed that you even managed to put a post up after the month you have had. I was looking around for Art elements theme and I am glad to found the link here. Thank you for linking to my tutorial as well as posting other interesting ones. I am planning to do ATC with my students and instinctively knew to come to your blog for prompts and tutorials. It is a great job that you are doing by bringing so many resources together in one place.

  3. So sorry to hear about your grandmother. It's been years since I lost my grandmother, but sometimes I can dream about her and still hear her exact voice in my head. Grandmothers are special people.

    1. Leslie Anne, Thank you for your kind words. Yes, her absence keeps randomly hitting me out of nowhere. I'm sure that will go on as long as I do, much as it has you. I appreciate your condolences.


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