Peek at My Week (Dec. 29-Jan. 4)

There's something about starting a new year that fills you full of hope and aspirations. I wrote down a couple of things I want to accomplish, and I was trying to be realistic about it. Instead of lofty, long term goals, I thought more about what would be attainable and planned for a few short-term intentions that could be accomplished within the month: organizing a few areas of the house that have gotten out of control, begin shopping for cabinetry that would help organize the craft room, and working on developing a better morning routine. I've even gotten one of those checked off the list! However, things don't always pan out as you plan, and you have to roll with the punches. But, I'm getting ahead of myself, let me give you a look at the week.

On Sunday, I knew I wanted to get as much in order as possible for the new year so I worked on cleaning and got the craft room in some semblance of order. I even organized all my art journals and discovered the vast abundance of ones I have in progress!
That evening, I met one of my best friends for dinner and had a nice night out with her and a couple of other friends. 

I had planned to spend Monday at my mom's house with my grandmother since Tuesday and Wednesday were holidays. But first, I started the day with a new-to-me practice.
Though I already have far too many art journals, I received this little planner in a gift basket for Christmas as decided that it would make a nice little daily warm-up. So I added a little watercolor to each date and plan to do a little doodling each day. This was inspired by the work of CeeCee of CreationsCeeCee on YouTube. You can see that I started on Monday and have actually made it work each day.

At my mom's I found my grandmother easily confused and simply not herself. On Tuesday, I made her an appointment to see her doctor at his first open spot - on Friday. I also knocked out as many chores as I could so that I could welcome 2020 with a clean(er) slate. We went to a party that broke up before midnight and celebrated the New Year at home.

When I went to add more birdseed to my feeder the next morning, I found that the old bird food had sprouted. I thought that the little plants were a wonderful symbol for the new beginning of a year. 

We spent the afternoon watching Alabama win their last football game of the season then I made a traditional New Years Day dinner of pork (ham), black-eyed peas, greens, and cornbread.

On Thursday, I worked on finishing a custom order for an Instagram friend with one of the soldered baubles I made a few weeks ago.
I also tackled one of the bothersome areas: the bedroom desk that was buried under mail and miscellaneous papers and office supplies. It took hours, but it's such a relief to have that done!

That evening, my niece and I headed to the library to meet a friend and her daughter for a bookbinding and bullet journaling class that was packed to the max. I rushed my project but enjoyed the process. We met our husbands for dinner at a nearby favorite restaurant. 
I've since fixed my messy book!

On Friday, Mawmaw and I went to see her doctor and have an MRI.
We learned that she's had two small strokes and will need some more tests to determine the best course forward. Her confusion has now robbed her of some of her independence, and I'll need to spend more time with her while my mom and step-father are at work in order to help her in her day-to-day for the time being. 

This diagnosis means that I'll need to alter how I work and accomplish the initial goals I set. But, I want what's best for her and am lucky that my schedule can be flexible. It'll be an adjustment for the whole family. As I pondered all of this on Saturday, I worked in my art journal to process those feelings.
 It was a rough week. But, each new day comes with new challenges no matter who you are. It's just about learning to roll with them. I'm learning. 

Here's a bit of brighter note to end this post - some inspiration:

I hope your New Year started with much fun and continues with much joy. And, remember, "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your grandma, Hope! I wish for her to recover! haven't made anything in the new year yet because I tucked away all my stuff for the holidays, we had friends visiting and sleeping over and having fun :) I'm about to get a new workplace, though and be able to create any time. You have found some exceptional links to share!


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