Peek at My Week (Dec. 1-7)

Looking through my pictures of the past week, it seems I may have overcommitted myself to the challenges and inspirations for this month. It almost feels like that's all I've been doing. But, keeping myself creatively busy is something I don't want to ever complain about. So, I won't.
After going out for breakfast on Sunday, Pat and I decided to get a Christmas Tree. We haven't had a full-size, real one in years for one reason or another. But, since the niece is living with us, we decided to change that this year. We waited to decorate it until she got off work, but I'm still not ready to share it dressed. Somehow, I have almost no handmade Christmas ornaments. And, I want to change that before I call her done. But, first, I have to make time to make ornaments. EEK!

Monday was packed full of the usual chores and catching back up from the weekend. But, on Tuesday I made sure to knock out as much as I could as I was staying the night at my mom's house. I tackled a stamp carving for Carve December.

And, I allowed myself a little time to work on my spread for Kasia's Advent Calendar before I headed across Mobile Bay.

I didn't get much sleep at my mom's before we had to rise early to be at the hospital for her outpatient procedure.
Everything went well, and we were back at her house before lunchtime.

That meant I could get back home before it got too late.
Kasia's Advent Calendar asked us to take a walk to get inspired and enjoy nature. It was serene and beautiful in Silverlox Woods. We ended the day by having dinner out with friends.

There was a lot on my list on Thursday, but I still made time for my challenges.

While I was supposed to use items I had collected during my walk the previous day in my Advent journal, I couldn't bear to take apart this beautiful arrangement.
In the afternoon, I started knocking out a little Christmas shopping (finally!)

I woke up excited on Friday because my video for the Advent YouTube Hop from the Live Art Journaling and Self Development Group was live.
It's all about using erasers as stamps (carving them too).

I spent a bulk of Friday afternoon baking cookies for a Christmas Party on Saturday.
I'd been wanting to make these Chocolate Crackle Cookies for years. They were harder than I thought, but man, they're good!

Saturday was full of catching up on some of the challenges I had skipped. Seriously, I've over-committed myself! But, at least I feel productive. 

Before I had to leave for the Christmas Party, I started on a super-secret project. 
If it works out as I want, I'll share it later. If it doesn't, you'll never see me mention it again! Ha!!

Even with a busy week, I did find a few bits of inspiration to share:

I hope you had an inspired week and that the coming one is full of joy!


  1. Thank you so much for pointing to my tutorial. I hope that people have fun making them. I have to decorate this huge tree at work but I have neither the time nor patience to make handmade ornaments. this inspite of signing up for the Art elements Handmade Christmas challenge (facepalm Moment!) Please do post pictures of your dressed up tree, I need some serious inspiration and some elves to help me.

    1. I thought I had published this comment but just found it in my unpublished comments. Drat! Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I have to admit that most of the decorations on my tree are not handmade as this is the first time in MANY years that we've had a tree for one reason or another. I hope your tree at worked turned out well, and apologize for not helping more. Sorry!


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