Peek at My Week (Oct 20-26)

This past week passed in a blink! I guess that's because I kept myself pretty busy.

We started the week on Sunday with what we call "Puppy Fun Day." Basically, it's our attempt to get outside and drag Zoe with us on an adventure of some sort. We even took the niece who lives with us!
While out on one of the trails I spied an enormous dead grasshopper. He was almost as long as my hand. After spotting him, we spied a few more. The one above is one of the live ones we found. Apparently some people think it's gross, so I'm sorry if this weirds you out.

As usual, Monday was full of knocking errands and chores off my list. Those bled into Tuesday.  However, I did work on a few creative endeavors.
I've been mad over playing with my bead loom!

That evening, I did something else a little out of the ordinary for me.
I went to Pat's band rehearsal and took pictures for the studio. Fun. 

Wednesday was spent at my mom's where we celebrated my birthday with a delicious cake baked by another one of my nieces.

Thursday was my actual birthday, and I spent it out and about shopping for new clothes. After shopping, we met some friends for dinner. 

I spent much of Friday just playing in the craft room. Pat did interrupt me to go outside and check out this little guy he found in the grass.
It's a tiny green tree snake. Isn't he cute!?

I also made a run to the store to pick up a few new supplies including this set of watercolors I've been wanting!

And, Saturday was all about college football.
Roll Tide!

As for inspiration, that lacked some too, though I did find a few tidbits.

And, that's it. I'm already running behind this week with everything. So, I'll leave it at that and wish y'all a wonderfully creative week. 


  1. Aren't these giant grasshoppers pests? I've never seen any this big as you describe it. Eating birthday cake and shopping sound fun! As for inspiration, it's there even if you don't realize it :)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

    Ohmygosh I want that cute watercolor set! I would only sit and look at it, however, since I don't know how to paint.

    The little snake is adorable but I must say I'm terrified of insects so I would've run, screaming from that grasshopper.

    1. Aw, thank you! The last week has been a whirlwind.
      Isn't that set cute!? Opening all the little papers around the colors was like opening candy wrappers. I'm not great with watercolors either, but I've heard so many people recommend this set that I HAD to have it.
      I completely understand your sentiment about insects. My thing is spiders. Can't do them. I can't see them online, in pictures, on TV without freaking out some. I do better with some of the ones that live outside here - they stay out of my way, I'll stay out of theirs. They get too close, they must die!
      Thanks for popping by!


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