September Challenges and Inspiration

I love finding some kind of prompt, inspiration, or challenge to spur my creativity forward. Unfortunately, sometimes, that's the only way I get anything made. I'm always on the lookout for these little nuggets of motivation for my muse and love to share that creative boost also. 

  • Polka Dots are the inspiration for this month's We're All Ears Challenge at Earrings Everyday. Erin shared a variety of ways dots have been used in art as well as a little about their history. Check it out! The reveal is set for September 20th. 
  • Each month, Sarajo's husband, Eric, gives her a photo from which to draw inspiration. She calls it the Honey Do List and shares the photo for the rest of us to be inspired as well. This time around, they have presented us with two photos of Celtic crosses to aid in our jewelry-making. The reveal date is September 23rd.
  • The Art Elements team is kind enough to extend their monthly challenges to the rest of us. Caroline picked the theme for September as Foliage. While the reveal date for the blog hop is Sep. 29th, you need to leave a comment on the post before then to let them know you wish to participate. And, please note, this challenge is open in ANY art medium. Fun!
  • Instead of monthly challenges, the folks at Art Bead Scene have had Art Journies over the course of the year. These tend to run longer than a month to give the artists ample time to participate. Art Journey #7 has just been announced with a theme of Big Cats. There are three inspirational images provided. Submissions must include an art bead but you are welcome to share your creation(s) anytime before Oct. 20th. 
And, those are all the challenges of which I'm aware at the moment. Like I said, I do enjoy these prompts. So, if you know of any I've missed on this list, please let me know!

Now, go be inspired!

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning to take part in one or two of these challenges, I'm always checking these posts of yours to see if I've missed anything :)


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