Peek at My Week (Aug. 4-10)

Another week in the books! I was able to bust out a lot of the tasks on my to-do list (Bullet Journal) but most of them weren't photogenic at all. Here's what I do have to share.

We started Sunday off with a little recovery food (Saturday HAD been my reunion after all).

After that, it was a pretty lazy day milling about the house. In the afternoon, as we do most Sundays, we floated in the pool and grilled out.
There had been a small rainshower before our swim, and these little drops of awesome caught my attention. 

On Monday, Pat took Zoe to the vet because we had some concerns. They think she has a bladder infection. We're hoping the medicine knocks it out. She's been a little wimpy and tired all week.

Tuesday was all about checking the boxes on my Bullet Journal. The big one was getting my niece's books for college as we drove to the main campus 45 minutes away to go to the bookstore. After that, I took care of chores around the house.

On Wednesday, I had to take my grandmother and then the other niece to doctor appointments. As I was heading out for the day, this open gate covered in jasmine vines caught my eye.
It put me in a good mood for the day ahead.

Looking at my list, I have no idea what I did on Thursday. It was probably all about catching up after the day away from the house. The same goes for Friday. It's usually my big cleaning day, so I made sure to knock out as much of my house-cleaning as early as possible, so I could move on to other creative endeavors. 
That put me in a creative spirit with my eyes open for opportunity. And, while taking Zoe out, I spotted this flash of blue in the grass and pine straw. I couldn't resist picking it up.

On Saturday, I worked a birthday party in the morning, then just chilled out the rest of the day. Pat and I decided to go for a swim. But, an afternoon shower put a damper on that. Just as soon as we got outside, the temperature began to drop and the skies darkened with clouds and thunder. I was so disappointed. We spent the rest of the afternoon-evening binging the last season of "Orange is the New Black". There's still a few episodes to go, so no spoilers, please!

Throughout the week, I did work on some art journaling in my Soul Food journal.
Looking at this collage, I find it funny that there's a bit of magenta/pink in each of these pages. That's not usually my jam. But, it seems to work.

Here's some of the inspiration and tutorials I found throughout the week:

And, that's it for the week. I'm not exactly sure what's in store for the week ahead, but I am looking forward to the opportunities that await me. I hope you make the most of the week. What are you looking forward to?


  1. Oh da poor doggo!!! Get well soon, puppers.

    I call dibs on the donut with chocolate frosting and coconut!

    Ahhhhhh the last season of OITNB was so good!!!

    1. Jinjer, Thanks so much. Zoe's already doing much better. I'm glad we caught it when we did. We hardly ever get doughnuts - they're just too good to have around too often. The coconut one was for my niece. She was still asleep when Pat ran out for them, and that was my request for her - something with coconut! We tried to watch more of OitNB lat night but were having issues with the internet so it was kinda hiccup-y. I hate that it's the last season since it's such a good show, but it is time for it to end I suppose. Glad to hear your rave review. Thanks!

  2. That picture of the weathered wooden wall and gate is such a contrast to your busy week! I hope Zoe feels better soon!

  3. Those donuts look yummy! Raindrops are so gorgeous on vibrant green leaves. That is a beautiful capture you got. I hope Zoe is feeling better! The writers did a fantastic job with the final season of Orange. I am wondering if there could be a spin off or 2. I will definitely miss this show!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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