Days of My Craft Desk

I'm always a little amazed at the sheer variety of projects that come across my desk. And, that can mean the actual physical desk in my craft room or any space in which I work. I thought you might like to see a snippet of an actual span of several days. Mind you, this doesn't include the mounds of work I do on my computer (writing, photo editing, blog-reading, video-watching, social media, and video-editing to name a few.) 
I try to start each week with a bit of forethought and planning in my Bullet Journal. I do say TRY, because not everything, including the planning, works out as planned. Above was my Sunday morning planning as I worked on your Peek at My Week.

Since a thunderstorm canceled our afternoon plans, I worked on a few projects. When I sat back, I realized how much of an unintentional Fall-theme I had going on!

I picked up a few new supplies (mostly findings) on Monday afternoon then sorted them into where they needed to be. That was really all the action the craft desk saw that day as I was busy out of the house almost all day.

Tuesday, I worked to make ear wires for a few new tin pieces (made the previous week) along with the chain for the wrapped key.

I really needed to take product pictures this week. Usually, I take advantage of the natural light outside, but it's just too hot in Alabama right now. So, I set up in the sunroom instead. Zoe was a bit skeptical about the situation. 

While creating and finishing the chain for the wrapped key, I realized that my box of chains was severely overloaded. The main culprit was a large bag of thrifted chains that hadn't been sorted. So, those were dumped onto a bead mat and organized by metal (or re-donated).

Before heading out for the day on Thursday, I had little time to create. So, I took a few minutes to work in my Soul Food art journal. 

Since I was at my mom's most of the rest of Thursday, I made sure to have Bead Box 6 with me. I was able to work on one of the projects while I had dinner in the oven. And, I still consider this my craft desk, even it was really just a clipboard at my mom's house.

This is the condition of my desk at this exact moment. The art journal is still there along with another lingering project that I'm pondering. I'll get to it all once a few more chores are done. 

Some weeks, I'm so busy with other tasks that my desk never changes. Other weeks, it changes every hour. What about you? What's come across your desk recently?


  1. If you are done sorting out your supplies, could you please sort out mine? Please, Pretty Please!! :D My living room is overflowing with my jewellery stuff ever since I started making my new collection 4-5 days ago. Yours seem so calm and neat by comparison and needless to say, you are crafting a lot more than I am. I guess I should clean up too.

  2. Your desk looks like mine! So many different things going on. Fun to see a peek of someone else's "mess."

    1. Kelly, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who suffers from a constantly-changing desk. I love to see snippets of what others have on theirs, so I try to make sure that I share also from time to time. I do hope you'll share yours too!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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