Peek at My Week (July 14-20)

Look at me actually posting this when I should! I'm trying to stay on top of things. But, to make sure I can get to everything else, I'm going to try to keep this peek as short and sweet as possible (like me - ha!)

On Sunday, I finally started the online Soul Food class from my friend Tiffany of Southern Gals Designs. We were experiencing some of the bands from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Barry so staying inside was the only option. Having an arty outlet was the perfect way to spend the day.

We couldn't grill out as I had planned, but we did enjoy some local, fresh Silver King corn.
I removed the corn from the cob and cooked it in a cast iron pan to make it skillet corn. So good!

I had to work on Monday, but did go out in the yard for a little bit. After all the rain, there were mushrooms popping up everywhere.
These two closest to the house (and each other) caught my eye.

We had a few repairs to the exterior of the house that needed to be done. Since Pat didn't really want to handle them himself, he called in some handymen. One of the repairs involved removing an exterior door for a little while, so this was our view most of Tuesday.

No worries, that evening we joined a few friends for some time on Fish River and had a much better view.

Before heading to work on Wednesday, I started taking apart a cheap rag rug that I bought just for that purpose.
A few art friends had mentioned that they'd done it before and found a bounty of beautiful fabrics. They were so right! One rug filled my dining room table with scrap fabric. It also made a huge mess (all the connecting thread was everywhere.) I finished taking it apart on Thursday when I didn't have to work.

I did get a couple of pictures on Friday, but that was of some girlfriends when we went out for a really nice dinner for girls night. I don't want to share those without their permission.

Saturday began with loads of rain, so I worked to finish my Soul Food Journal.
I love it so much!!

As the day began to clear, Pat and I had lunch at a place on the river. We chilled at the house for a bit then took a quick dip in the pool before dinner.
It's been really nice to be back in a routine.

As for the links I found and shared this week, take a look:

And, that was the week for me. I love that I'm getting things done again. Now if I could only get some jewelry made too. I'll put in on the to-do list! What are you looking forward to in the week ahead? I hope it's magical.


  1. How beautiful is the area where your pool is??????? Makes me miss the pool I grew up with in Arizona. That river is beautiful, too!

    What am I looking forward to in the week ahead...hmm....what AM I? Um...err...I guess reading my book (Those People) and maybe getting a Shrimp Basket from Lakeview Restaurant at some point this week. It doesn't take much to make me happy. LOL

    1. Jinjer,
      Thank you! We LOVE the pool. After we saw the property and pool for this house, we were sold on it (as long as the house was in okay shape). The river was nice, but it was a little muddy after Tropical Storm Barry brought us so much rain.
      I totally get that reading your book and having shrimp could make you happy. That sounds like a pretty awesome week ahead! I do hope you enjoyed them both. I hate that it took me so long to reply to your comment. Sorry!

  2. Lots of cool stuff :) This rag rug thing sounds so intriguing! Looking forward to the reveal of all the fabric pieces!


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