Thrifty Thursday - April Edition

April is always such a busy month for me that it's hard to find time for even the simplest adventures like hitting a thrift or antique store. I eked in just a couple of trips for a small haul over the month.

I made a quick video to share the goodies that I found (mostly cookie tins) so you can get a better look at my April Thrift Haul.

But, here are some pictures if you don't have time for the video.
Several tins were found at a local antique mall for downright steals.

You should have seen me standing in the checkout line at Goodwill with my arms full of these tins. It was a sight!

I was so excited to find this vintage sheet. I've been collecting these for a while now, but haven't found many in a long time. I was afraid they were becoming scarce. At some point, I hope to make a quilt out of my collection. I love how many colors are in this one.

So, that was it for my thrifty finds this month. Truth be told, I guess that means that it was an exceptionally thrifty month since I didn't spend much money at all. Here's hoping you've found some steals and deals lately too.


  1. Great finds! The tins are fabulous and the sheet looks like a watercolor!

  2. I love your video! I, too, make jewelry out of tins. I have some tins that are just too beautiful and old to cut up----I just can't do it! I also have a quilt that my mother and grandmother made for me when I first went to college (40 years ago....eeek!). It is made out of sheets much like the one you bought. It's gotten a little raggedy through the years but I just can't throw it away. :(

    1. Thanks, Mary!! Isn't working with tins so fun? And yes, there are definitely some that just can't be cut. What a special gift from you mom and grandmother. I'm sure it's hard to part with. You can likely have it repaired if you can find a local quilter. I'm still learning to sew myself and find it hard to just jump in and tear up these old linens before I'm ready. Like the tins, some of them seen so rare and special. Thanks for dropping by, and I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond!

  3. You have some really nice tins. I look forward to seeing them pop up in your creations.

    1. Ann, Thanks! I've been really slacking on the tin-cutting lately and need to get myself back into the swing. My pile of tins keeps falling over. Ha! I really should dig into it soon. :)


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