Recent Art Journal Pages

For the last month or so I haven't been as prolific in creating. At least not to the extent that I would like. But, when the urge strikes and the time is available, I make sure to eke in as much creativity as I can. While jewelry is my general go-to, sometimes I like to get my hands messy with art journaling. And, if I can remember, I might even turn the camera on to record my process. Lately, I've simply been working in my Small Junk Journal. Here are the latest pages and videos I've created in that junk journal. Clicking on the pictures and/or links below should take you to my videos.
Small Junk Journal Page 7

Small Junk Journal Page 8

Small Junk Journal Page 9

Small Junk Journal Page 10

Even in short bursts of time, it's nice to be able to finish a project. These little pages in my small junk journal are perfect for that. If you have any questions about any of my process, please don't hesitate to ask. 


  1. Your pages look great and like you are having fun...there is never enough time for art is there! I am trying to at least doodle for a few minutes everyday even if I don't have time to spend hours painting or drawing, at least you feel like you've accomplished something creative, right? :)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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