Wanderlust Earrings from Tin

This month is getting away from me somehow. How is it already time to reveal our earrings for the April We're All Ears theme, Wanderlust? I really busted my butt to get something made in time. 

It took me a little thinking on the theme, but I finally remembered that I had a tin with maps on it. 
While using a map is an integral part of traveling, I decided to focus more on the actual experience of traveling as denoted by the term Wanderlust. They're just out of frame, but on either side of the land were two ships. I was able to punch them out with my disc cutter. But, then what? 

I really thought at one point that I was just going to punch holes in the tin and hang them from ear wires. However, I wanted to push myself further so I let the tin sit while ideas marinated. 
I finally hit on the idea of putting the tin inside a bezel, something I haven't done before. The bezels I ended up using were slightly too large, posing another dilemma. Yet, I was quickly able to come up with the idea of surrounding the tin with a ring of beads. To keep it simple, I used brass-colored seed beads that I strung together on a length of cord. They're glued in place with E6000. 

From there, I kept with the simple palette and added a brass filigree bead. But, there needed to be a touch of sparkle to give the earrings a feminine edge. So, rhinestone covered beads were also added to complete the look. 
Tall Ships like the ones in these earrings were one of the few ways to see the world several hundred years ago. And, cruising continues to be a favorite form of travel for many people. So, I think these sailing ship earrings are just perfect for the theme, even if I did almost run out of time to get them made. 

As always, thank you to Erin for the inspiration! And, make sure to head over to Earrings Everyday to see how other artists interpreted the Wanderlust theme into earrings. 


  1. What a fun tin to work with! You did a fantastic job with the bezel!

  2. These are fabulous. The design has a wonderful vintage vibe that's perfect for the tin pieces and the rhinestones are just the right amount of sparkle.

    1. Aw, Tammy, thank you! I do love me some vintage feel. So glad you like them too. :D

  3. These are so adorable! You always seem to have just the right tin. Very smart how you added the beads around the edges for a better fit. At first glance I thought that was just part of your bezel!

    1. Sarajo, thanks! I just have too many tins. I cannot help myself. I knew those bezels needed something more. I really like how the beads worked. I can definitely see repeating this method. It means so much that you like them too!

  4. These are so much fun, Hope! Perfectly suited for this challenge and to show off your skill at personalizing bezels.

    1. Thanks, Lynda! I have a need to personalize just about everything. Ha. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by.

  5. Lovely tin. And a very clever idea to use a bezel and the seed beads. The rest of the beads were the perfect addition for these wonderful earrings.

    1. Thank you, Janine. I really wanted those ships to be the central focus for these earrings so the simple, brass beads seemed like the right choice. I'm relieved you agree.

  6. I love the tin ships. I was watching Tintin after a long time last night and was thinking about ships as well. Great use of beads to create the impression of a sunken bezel.

    1. Divya, I'm not sure if I've ever watched Tintin. I may need to remedy that! Your opinion means so much to me. Thank you for your kind words.

  7. I love the earrings. Well done! I especially like how you added the tiny beads.

    1. Kathy, Thanks so much. I'm also digging the texture that the seed beads created. I appreciate you coming by!

  8. Fantastic interpretation of wanderlust! What a great find! Also love the idea for the bezel - very clever!

  9. Sweet serendipity to have that great tin in your stash! I love them. I truly wouldn't have known that the bezel wasn't a metal one with a beaded detail if you hadn't told me that. Super clever solution! Thanks for joining me in the We're All Ears challenge! Enjoy the day! Erin


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