Shop CraftyHope on Etsy

Sometimes, I just need you to know what you can find in the CraftyHope Etsy Shop. Here's a little peek at just some of the jewelry you'll find there.

Wood and Glass Chandelier Earrings

Skeleton Leaf Bracelet

Hot Pink Flow Necklace

Spring Sky Earrings

Button Crystal Key Necklace

Scorched Earth Fringe Earrings

And, there's SO  MUCH MORE! Make sure to head over to the Etsy Shop to take a gander at everything that's available!


  1. Your jewelry is always so unique and fabulous Hope!

  2. Your jewelry is gorgeous and so are your photos!

    1. Thanks so much Kathy! That means the world to me. I do love to play with my photo skills and backgrounds ;)


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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