Use It Up Fill It Up 2: Days 16-30

When I first started the #UseItUpFillItUp2 Challenge from Tiffany of Southern Gals Design on Instagram and YouTube, I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep up with 30 days of art journaling, even if it was only for 15 minutes each day. But I made it through to the end! You can see my first 15 cards in the previous post
 DAY 16

There's so much that can be said about taking on a daily art challenge. You can definitely see how you grow and become more comfortable with the art form. You also get a chance to discover what you enjoy making. And, the more you enjoy making it, the more it shows.
 DAY 17

Of course, that doesn't mean that every day you end up with a winner. But you get to experiment - especially when you're working with materials you just want to use up.
 DAY 18

While not every day was a "good-art-day", I definitely like more the cards in this second bunch than the first.
DAY 19 

And, it was good to dip into my stash, find pieces I forgot I even had, and figure out new ways to use them.
 DAY 20

I'm also finding that the more white space and color blending I do, the more I seem to like the end results.
 DAY 21

But that's not always the case. Sometimes, just the freedom of throwing things at the cards comes through in the end.
 DAY 22

And sometimes, it just didn't work! (See above!)
 DAY 23

I tried and tried to find ways to use up my bits of under-paper. The one below ALMOST works. 
 DAY 24

While there are a ton of beauties in this bunch, the one below is my favorite. And, it's one of those that just fell together as I grabbed and layered elements.
 DAY 25

I absolutely believe that being creative breeds more creativity.
 DAY 26

I kinda hate that I kept to this challenge and let some of the others fall behind. But, it helped me add a little art to each day since it only took fifteen minutes. 
 DAY 27

And, I got to add a whole lot of color to each day.
 DAY 28

(Here's my most successful use of under-paper, but a whole lot of chaos!)
 DAY 29

I'm so glad I attempted to use it up! Alas, there's still so much more to use. 
 DAY 30

As with the previous ones, I did record my process for all the cards to share with you. 

Or, find the whole collection in this Use It Up Fill It Up 2 Playlist

So very many thanks go out to Tiffany for coming up with this challenge and the encouragement and inspiration she gave to the participants. Now, I hope you take a few minutes to create something beautiful today!

I've linked up this post on the following link parties: Beautifully Made and Saturday Sharefest


  1. I think that craft fails (and what we perceive as fails) are very important. That is how we learn and evolve. We eventually become good enough to make newer mistakes :D

    1. YES! You never learn unless you fail. I'm glad to hear that you believe that too! :D

  2. Beautifully done Hope. I love all the wonderful messages in these!

  3. I'd say may favorites are "make today count" and the one about "being a hot mess" :) You're right - being creative breeds more creativity so do what you feel like at the moment and it will help with the other challenges!

  4. These pages all look so great. I have a pen pal that does that type of journaling. I really need to get back into crafting. I mostly scrapbook & smashbook also.

    1. Kimberly, Thanks so much! :D I tried my hand at scrapbooking once, but never made it through a whole book. And, I've never quite understood the smashbooks - though I'm sure it's something simple that I'm just not getting. I enjoy this type of moving the paints and colors around and producing something brand new. It's a lot of fun, I highly recommend it! Thanks so much for taking a peek!!


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