Peek at My Week: Feb. 17-23

I believe Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods. We've had days this past week when the temperature has gone above 80. It's still February! In addition to the temperature increase, the flowers are beginning to pop.
It was the Carolina Jasmine and mini daffodils (not pictured) that caught my attention on Sunday. Look at all those buds!

The weirdly warm days have given way to extremely foggy conditions throughout the week. After 10am on Sunday, I went to meet some friends for brunch and found the area around the waterfront cloaked in fog.
The pictures above show my bunch experience. You can see the fog in the top right photo. The restaurant was downtown Mobile in an old building. I love how much of the original building they left intact. Brunch was delicious. Oh, and take a gander at the old neon car park sign. So cool!

Wanting Monday to have a great start, I began the day with a little art journaling. 

It was a pretty uneventful day that ended with some puppy snuggles. 
Yes, she's all comfy and spoiled covered in a blanket with her head on a pillow. It's a rough (ruff) life, yo!

Tuesday was all about the errands, including a trip to the grocery store. The cherry blossoms in the parking lot caught my attention.
What did I say about Spring!? As a bonus, I scored a free carton of frozen yogurt when the terminal at the checkout line I was on froze up and I waited for it to be reset. Patience does pay off!

I mentioned Leeloo's seizure and vet visit last week. Since then, she's been taking some precautionary meds twice a day, so this has been her pose in Pat's arms when it's time for her meds. 
It's so cute and breaks my heart every time I have to force her to take the medicine. But, I know it's for the best. And, thank goodness we'll finish those up in the next few days.

Wednesday, I was at mama's house and was able to get some online work and jewelry done. Thursday was also a busy day of getting things made despite a persistent headache. I'm positive the headaches that have been plaguing me the last few days have everything to do with all the pollen in the air. 
And, there's more to come based on all the buds peeking out. 

Before heading to work on Saturday, I played for a few minutes in an art journal.
It was a colorful mess that didn't really go anywhere.

But, my view at work wasn't far off from the one on my craft desk.
I had a lot of fun but was exhausted back at home. So, I quickly made dinner and chilled the rest of the evening. It's still a little weird to be going to a job, but am starting to get the hang of it. 

Now, here's some inspiration for you.

And that's it. I've already got a list of tasks for the week ahead, but need to get my brain in the right space to start tackling it all. I hope you have a week full of knocking out the tasks on your list!


  1. Blossoms, wow! Just snowdrops here and freezing temperatures at 10.4 F for another week :) At least it's daylight when we leave the office :) Hoping Leeloo will be fine! That upside down mural is really cool!

  2. I am glad Leeloo is doing ok. It is so sad giving pets meds. :-( The south is amazing! We have been to the local botanical gardens 3 times this month. All the fruit trees seem to be blooming and some of the magnolias are stunning right now! We scored an ornamental peach when it was dormant for $15 and it is covered in pretty pink flowers right now. That vintage park sign is so fun. I love with cities and towns decide to keep thing like this from the past.


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