Peek at My Week: December 23-29

This has been the last full week of the year, and a busy one at that. We had so much going on, somewhere to be just about every day. Take a peek!

Since I knew the week ahead was going to be hectic, Sunday was a stay-at-home, wrap presents, and watch Christmas movies day. Then, Monday was Christmas Eve!
I helped my mom get ready by baking cookies and pre-cooking the live crabs. 

On Tuesday, Christmas Day, Pat and I exchanged our gifts and had breakfast before heading to my mom's for more eating, gifting, and family time. 
Above are two of the gifts I received this year. I love getting presents that keep me busy and let me try out something new. 

And, our seafood dinner was delicious!

Wednesday was the day of an annual party hosted by friends. I made my favorite Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies for the party. They went over well!

On Thursday, we had Christmas with Pat's side of the family. 
After dinner and gifts, we played a fun game that involves unrolling a large ball of plastic wrap. I really hate wasting that much plastic, but the fact that we gave metal straws to just about everyone makes me feel a little better about it. 

On Friday, we had a day to ourselves. 
I worked on a few projects including the SJ Designs Honey Do List Challenge (reveal tomorrow!)

And, I tried out my new pasta roller and cutter set as part of our dinner. It was fun AND delicious!

Saturday was really all about football, but I started the day hopping through the reveal blog posts for the Art Elements White Challenge

Then I was tuned to the television for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, Clemson and Alabama (Roll Tide!!) will be meeting on the 7th for the National Championship game. 

As for inspiration for this week....I was so busy, there wasn't much of it. But there were a few:

Oh, and despite the crazy week, I DID get my stamp carving done each day! I'm super surprised that I've been able to keep this up all month. I had my doubts at the start. 

Here's hoping you also had some fun mixed in with what was most likely a crazy week too! And, best wishes that the week to come holds loads more inspiration and fun. Make the most of it!


  1. Wonder-full!!! Happy New Year!!!

  2. Great gifts you've got, Hope! Enjoy them! I'm a little jealous you managed to squeeze in some crafting, including a daily commitment, I missed my messy table during the holidays :)


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