Peek at My Week: December 15-22

Christmas ate my week. Seriously, y'all. This whole week has been a flurry of just getting things done and ready to ceclebrate. 

We started the week on Sunday with a glorious walk with Zoe in a nearby nature preserve.

Despite the path in the picture above, we went off-road and took one of the nature trails. And nature we saw!
This Pignut Hickory mesmerized us for several full minutes.

Along the secluded trail, a tree had fallen and the moss and mushrooms that covered what remained gave the whole little glen a magical feel. I was taken with it!

I couldn't stop taking pictures!
Can't you see the fairies living there?

We had a puppy anxious to continue the walk, so I had to let the fairies be.

The rest of the week was a blur. I did get my Carve December contributions done each day.

It rained much of the week, so there were loads of puppy snuggles for a poor dog who just wanted to go outside and run.
You can see her teenagery angst! I had to add the headphones to complete the look.

I participated in  the We're All Ears Challenge then worked on the Art Elements White Challenge.

Oh, and super exciting - the deck's coming along well. We got post toppers for the finished rails.
They're solar lights! Isn't that cool?

The rest of the week felt like it was just shopping, cleaning, wrapping, and prepping for the holiday. We did have dinner out with friends one night, but I didn't get a picture

How about some inspiration?

And now it's Christmas Eve! If you celebrate the holiday, I hope it's a joyous one. 
I've got a crazy busy week ahead full of family gatherings and friendly celebrations. I do hope I can eke in some art and creativity, and I hope you can too!


  1. Wishing you a very merry Christmas Hope and thank you for the feature

  2. Yassss!!! I can totally see the little fairies!! In fact I thought that before I scrolled down and saw your question asking if we could see them. Aww...poor pathetic little pup!

  3. Thanks for featuring my necklace and for the reminder to finish the Art elements challenge. Off to work now.

  4. You nature walk was beautiful. I love seeing mushrooms growing out of the trees. It is like being in a fairy tale. Great idea with the solar lights. We were talking about cleaning our deck post caps and painting them but these solar caps look like a better idea. Extra light is always a good thing at night.


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