Peek at My Week: Nov. 18-24

I like to wrap up each week with a little peek at what I had going on. It's a great way for me to both journal and share. Since it's been a holiday (Thanksgiving) week, I stayed busy so picture-taking was at a minimum. Shucks.

Sunday was spent with a little art and a little outside time.
I broke out the resin and experimented with molds and alcohol inks.

We went for a late lunch and a walk, as has become our Sunday ritual lately.

Through the whole week, I made sure to spend a little time each morning making art in my art journal. This was my favorite spread this week. 

On Wednesday, I helped my mom with Thanksgiving dinner prep. My major contributions were the two sweet potato pies.

Thursday was Thanksgiving, and I managed to get a shot of the turkey before we carved into it.

And, of course, we enjoyed the pie!

I spent all of Friday with my mom helping her sort and organize.

Saturday was the Iron Bowl, the annual Alabama vs. Auburn Football game. And, Bama won! 
Roll Tide!

Staying busy also meant that I didn't find as many inspiring links through the week as usual, but there were a few.

I hope this week has me back in the swing of things and that you have a fantastic week as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Good to know that you had a great Thanksgiving. Cant wait to see your resin components


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