Peek at My Week - Sep. 30 - Oct. 6

Some days I'm not even sure where the time goes. I'm sure you feel the same. Often, a day gets by me, and I haven't taken a single picture. How does that even happen in this day and age? I did my best this week, and here's a little summary of it. 

I honestly am not even sure what I did last Sunday other than share the items I made for the Art Elements Fairy Reveal. It seems that fairies inspire me greatly as I adore the two pieces (pictured above and below) I made for the challenge. I have a feeling that the rest of the day was spent helping Pat work on the deck, though I can't be sure. 

The fairy challenge left me so inspired that on Monday I gathered some interesting elements together on my desk for a bit of play. 
That's lace, eco-dyed fabric, embroidery floss, a mother of pearl button, and tin. What do you think became of it? I shared the result in my Instagram story and may share it elsewhere later. We'll see - I'm still fiddling with the design idea.

Tuesday was a super-exciting day as my new washing machine was delivered! (Ha!)
Seriously though - I'm absolutely thankful that I didn't have to make another trip to the laundromat. 

Wednesday was even less exciting as I endured a bit of dental work. 
Can you tell how thrilled I was? I did get to spend the afternoon shopping with the nieces for shoes for their Homecoming dance. That made up for it a little. 

On Thursday, I had an unexpected visitor to the craft room. 
That little squirrel (he was a baby!) stayed outside the window for a long while. We're still not sure exactly what he was doing. But, it was neat to watch him while he was there. 

Most of that day was actually spent working on a few Fall/Halloween-inspired projects that I hope to reveal very soon! Here's a teaser for now.

On Friday, I continued to work on the above projects but also took care of errands and other less-fun tasks. While walking Zoe, I spied several of these velvet-like mushrooms in the yard. 

And, the evening was pretty lazy, at least for most of us. 

Then there was Saturday - full of football and Homecoming Dance prep.
Both of the nieces went to the dance with their best friends. I thought that was pretty sweet, 

and so stinkin' cute!

How about some cute and inspiring links too?

It's time to get to creating a great week. Here's hoping yours is full of inspiration and beauty!


  1. Oh dental work is always fun, (not) and costly too. I hope you have a good dentist. Your fairy is so creative and charming, just like you! I can't wait to see the deck when you're done. Please post pics. Hubby and I are working on another flooring install. We're taking our time so we'll still be able to walk when it's done. lol

    1. Lorraine, I know you know about dental work. I remember you mentioning it a few time son your blog too. I am a fan of my dentist. I've been seeing him since I was 11, but even so I don't see him as often as I should and instead let problems build up into more than they should be.
      I'm glad you like the fairy. She was a surprise to me. I just kept adding and building on her until she was just right!
      I can't wait for the deck to be done. But. what we do have competed is beautiful. Since we're doing it ourselves and it's SO HOT outside, it's only getting done in bits and spurts as we have the time. But, we'll get there eventually. I saw the flooring you did in Megan's room. It looks great! I hope the two of you can walk today since you bust it out yesterday. Wow!

  2. Thanks for sharing your week in photos!
    I took two photos last week of quotes. The first one was right after I talked to you in the library.
    "The Library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history."
    Carl Thomas Rowan
    Sue comes up to me with student paper in her hand, she teaches second grade.
    "I have a student who knows you." I was surprised, expecting to my name or something in the child's schoolwork.
    "He thought to himself that he had to get a donuts." After we laughed I thought truer words have never been said about me. lol.
    The plural is spot on...can never seem to eat just one.

    1. Alan, Ooooh, I love that Library quote from Rowan. It's powerful. As for the donuts....YES! We try to stay away from them as they too easy to just down, but omg - so good - especially when they're hot! Thanks for taking a peek!

  3. The mixed media piece is a beauty. She made me smile! It is funny how appliances can bring us such joy. We ended up with the prior owners washer and dryer which are amazing. Way better than any other machines I have used before. Squirrels make me laugh. We had tons frolicking in our yard in MA but I have yet to see one in our yard here. There are probably not enough trees for them to play on in the neighborhood. The girls look beautiful. Brings back memories!


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