Peek at my Week: Oct. 14-20

It's Sunday and another week begins with me sharing a peek at my previous week along with some inspiring links.

On Sunday we worked around the house. Pat continued to rebuild the deck while I stayed inside and began to work on re-organizing our large laundry/storage space.  
I stayed inside almost all day, despite how beautiful it was. Can you believe that?

Therefore, I made a point of going outside and walking the property a little on Monday.
While ragweed is one of my major allergens, I couldn't help but stop to watch the bees pollinate them. It makes me happy to see busy bees. 

Back inside, I focused in on my last two pairs of earrings for the Plaid Inspiration Challenge.
At the top of the photo is my gesso-ed piece of tin before I used the pictured stencil to create the painted plaid. On the bottom, you see my unbleached cotton and embroidery floss ready to begin my attempt at weaving. 

I ran by Southern Antiques and Accents on Tuesday to spruce up a little before Ladies Night.
My sprucing must have worked because I've sold several items from the booth since then!

On Thursday, I busted butt trying to finish up my plaid designs. 
My second attempt at embroidered weaving worked out somewhat. 

Once that was done, I started focusing on the Honey Do List Challenge at SJ Designs Jewelry
The inspiration image this month involves a clock, so I dipped into my watch parts. Come back tomorrow to see what I came up with!

Friday afternoon was crazy-busy, so I'm glad I pulled over to soak in the beauty of the cotton that's about to be harvested. 
I'm completely fascinated by the stuff. 

My day culminated in a high school football game. 
It was senior night, and my oldest niece was being recognized for her final year in the marching band.  I'm so proud of her.

On Saturday, my mom's work had their Family Day at a local amusement park. 
Pat and I had never been to OWA, so we went to check it out and enjoy the beautiful day.

After lunch, we headed to a friend's to watch the Bama vs. Tennessee football game.
During the game, I was relieved to find out that the ATC (Artist Trading Card, pictured above) I had sent the week before had finally been received by the recipient. I'd been worried about it all week since it should have been there Monday! What a relief to know it was received and to have Bama win the game!

As for some inspiration for you, here you go!

And, with that, I'm off to work on making this week start off in a fantastic fashion. (It is my birthday week after all ;)  )
Wishing you a wonderful week as well!!


  1. Thanks for sharing all these great links. Off to check them out now

  2. Eventful and with lots of crafting! As always, thank you for the links, I realized I've made most of the felt flowers in link above back when I was into fabric brooches :)

  3. I didn't know that THIS was ragweed! I thought it was Solidago (latin) or Goldenrod? Anyway, it came up one year as a volunteer and I decided to see what it did the next. Well, the roots grew and it was 2x bigger the next year, plus when it dies in early winter, the seeds travel ... now it pops up everywhere and anywhere, no matter how much I dig them up!! It's beautiful in the wild, but when it comes up where I don't want it ... grrrr. When I was home in September, I must have dug up 3 or 4 clumps! In retrospect, I don't know why, I may not get home again for 6-8 months and it'll be showing off it's little yellowhead in several more places. Alysen.

    1. Honestly, I can't be sure that it is indeed ragweed. But I do know it's everywhere and my head/sinuses are always in pain when it's blooming. And, I've been diagnosed with a ragweed allergy. It sounds like you've had a hard time getting rid of it - that explains why it's all over the county! Ha!! It is kinda pretty though.


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