Peek at My Week: Aug. 26 - Sep. 1

I spent the week trying to knock quite a few tasks off my list before we take another bit of staycation. Of course, I enjoyed the weekend too. Most of Sunday was spent outside.
I chased butterflies,

discovered flowering vines,

and spied a walking stick on the fence.

Of course, that isn't to say that I didn't get more work done on the pop-up camper.
More of the mildew stains had to be tackled before I'm willing to sleep there!

In an attempt to clean out the pantry, I used the last bits of cereal and cheese-its to make a chex-mix of sorts. 

Then I set to clothes-mending.
I'd let the pile of clothes that needed repairing pile up a little too much. Some of the tasks were way simple, and I'm a little embarrassed that it took me so long to get to them. It's such a relief to have that pile tackled. 

And, with that done, I felt like a fun Girls' Night Out paint party was the perfect reward. 

In preparation of some other tasks and some serious cleaning up of the property, we've rented a large dumpster. See - we're going to have LOADS of fun on this vacation.

We did kickoff the vacation with the return of college football (see what I did there?) Above is my lucky beer in my hand while I watched my Crimson Tide win.

That finished the week for me, but it's not an end of all I need to get done. Of course, if I didn't have a list of things to do I wouldn't be living life to its fullest. My list is long, my life is full!

Here are a few links to inspire you in the week ahead.

Well, I guess it's probably time to get to that list!
Have a fantastic week.

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