Peek at My Week: August 19 - 25

I actually feel like I accomplished quite a bit this past week. Sunday, in particular, was quite full. 
We started the morning with some monkey muffins. I used canned biscuit dough to makes these, the kind with all the layers. This was before I added the condensed milk. Look at those layers of yum!

With some energy (and sugar) in my system, I finished up a necklace that incorporated a couple of salvaged jewelry pieces. 

Rosalina, the oldest kitty in the house, made sure to get some head-lovins.

I finished a little art journaling to commemorate several special lives that were lost during the week.

And, I dipped into my rainbow bead box to create a mish-mash necklace.

Our puppy turned two this week. Happy Birthday, Zoe!!

I took several moments throughout the week to soak in nature and respect its beauty.

I mean, look how cute that little green lizard is.

Besides the monkey muffins, I made several other yummy meals.
This one I made up as I was absolutely craving quinoa. It's kinda a taco bowl with fresh corn, black beans, chicken, spinach, and feta cheese. It was exactly what I was craving.

And, I can't resist a yummy breakfast parfait of yogurt, berries, and homemade granola

The big project, though, has been getting our pop-up camper clean for an upcoming camping trip. We've let it sit for several years unopened and apparently had a mildew issue developing. I tried several products but finally found one that worked to get the ick out. You can see the before and after pictures above. What a relief that we won't be sleeping with all the mildew in there!

Like I said, I feel like I got quite a bit accomplished. I hope your week ahead is full of productivity. Here's a little inspiration to get you in the spirit. 

Have a fantastic week!


  1. I am so looking forward to seeing your rainbow necklace

    1. Divya, It didn't end up being "rainbow" so much as a mix of beads from that box. I just have the box of mixed beads sorted into rainbow order. I'll try to remember to share the finished necklace at some point. Thanks for your interest!


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