April Goal Review

Happy Cinco de Mayo y'all! Since it is somehow May, I suppose I'll do a quick review of April's goals and catching up.

As a reminder, each week I wanted to complete a Goal, a piece of Jewelry, an altered Card, at least one Blog post, and a Journal page. I'm covering weeks 13-17 this month.

Week 13 (March 27-April 2)
This week encompassed Easter and Spring Break for us. While most adults don't get a spring break, we took vacation to spend the week with two of our nieces. So the goal for this week was Vacation!
During the week, Pat and I went out and bought some hammocks. We seriously enjoyed them! Goal accomplished!!

Though these weren't made during the week, I was able to play some catch up later in April and made these bangles for week 13.
They're simple silvertone bangles that I wrapped beads around.
I think they came together well.

Like most everything this month, this card was made late.
I used some scraps that were on the table and played with a new stamp. It's not great, but it is done!

Since we were on vacation and busy with the nieces, I did not get a blog post up. That's one of those things in these tasks that I just cannot make up later. Oh well. . . vacation yo!

I made a super simple journal entry for the week.
Basically, I just played with my watercolors and left it at that. My egg shape is awful, I know.

Week 14 (April 3-9)
This week I wanted to catch up on some of the other goals. Let me admit, that I'm still not caught up, but was able to get to many of my uncompleted tasks and goals over the course of the month.
I finished week 8's Pinterest articles. Here's my review of them

I was able to paint the sunroom as I had intended in week 10

I began learning viking knit as it was week 11's goal. Though, I still need a certain tool to see how it really turns out. 

Week 12's jewelry and journal were also completed.

I think I did alright on the catching up thing.

Sticking with the catching up and trying to keep it simple, I made this bracelet.
Not too shabby!

I decided to play with some new supplies I bought, so this card came together.
I think it's fun.

I entertained y'all with my combined post about my display at the antique store and my March Goal Review.

This baby emerged randomly.
I wanted to commemorate purchasing my new (to me) car and play with some happy mail bits I had stashed.

Week 15 (April 10-16)
This week again focused on the decor of the house as I realized I didn't have a single picture hung. So, that was my goal. Now, I've got two pictures hanging on the walls. The pictures of the pictures aren't great, but proof nonetheless.
The above is in the craft room and covers an electrical panel.

This one is in the living room. Sorry for the blurriness. It's dark in there and was an overcast day. It's hung and done though!

I wanted something simple, so I went for earrings.
These combine found objects and gemstone beads. Unfortunately, the mother of pearl earrings just didn't photograph so well. 

I decided to play with more of my new supplies (Tim Holtz Distress crayons) for a watercolor tree.
It's simple, but I like it!

I pulled two posts out this week. Woohoo!
A Currently I'm.... catch up and a Friday Finds revealing some of Spring's beautiful flora and fauna on the property.

This was the last journal page I created for the month, but I'm really happy with it.
The bright colors, collage papers, stamping, the image, and the simple words just make me smile.

Week 16 (April 14-23)
The craft room was driving me crazy. So, I aimed to get it clean and organized. The top of my desk was cleared and I sorted through a couple of drawers that desperately needed some organization. Unfortunately, pictures don't really do the hard work justice. You'll just have to believe me.

I started a necklace for this week. However, it's been slow going. Here's proof that it's in the works.
Unfortunately, the focal doesn't show up well in the picture. It's that brass circle above with an arrow embossed in the center. 

Card - Blog- Journal
None of these tasks were completed. Yes, I STILL have stuff to catch up on. It never ends huh?

Week 17 (April 24-30)
This week I had hoped to work on making my way through some tutorials on using my camera better, taking better pictures, etc. However, that just didn't happen. Sigh.

Jewelry - Card - Journal
The above tasks also didn't happen for me. What the heck is wrong with me!?

Fortunately, I redeemed myself a little with two whole blog posts this week. First, I reveled my new farm girl tendencies. Then, I shared some of my recent craft and thrift store finds

So, that's April in a nutshell. . .mostly. Right now I'm gearing up for an art retreat down at the Gulf with a few ladies I've never met. You know how anxious that makes me! But, I'm looking forward to playing in paint down by the beach, and hopefully making some new friends. I leave in just a few hours and still have to finish packing. Eek! Wish me luck!

How did April treat you?


  1. I love your bangles and your review of the Pinterest articles is wonderful and helpful.

    1. Aw, thanks Kathy! I do hope you find something in the articles that works for you too!! I'm just glad ti have gotten through so many of them at long last! Whew!!

  2. April was a busy month for me too, but not with things that were anywhere near as fun as your list! Hope you have a good painting experience with new friends. Happy for you!

    1. Leslie Anne,
      Yes, the list was fun for the most part. But, the tasks that prevented me from getting to the list, less so. Anyway, here's hoping your May is WAY more full of fun! :)

  3. You should be very proud of yourself having accomplished such a lot! The sunroom is great, it stands to its name and painting it must have been quite tiresome but it looks awesome! Break is great, too, we all need that! Overall, an impressive list! I managed with some jewelry and blog posts in April but not with things I have a deadline for, ha-ha!


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