February Goal Review

As mentioned in January, it might be better for all of us if I review the goals and tasks for each week in one monthly post. This is that post. With four weeks of goals and tasks, this post is fairly picture heavy. I'm reviewing weeks 5-8. As a reminder, each week I wanted to complete a Goal, a piece of Jewelry, an altered Card, at least one Blog post, and a Journal page. So. . .here we go!

Week 5 (Jan. 31-Feb. 6)
My goal this week was to organize the jewelry findings in my bead cabinet. They were a disaster! I may do a longer post later about the process and all the drawers I did, but for now here's what my brass findings drawer looked like before the organization.
And, here's the after.
MUCH better!!

This week was a tough one for me as I had been told that my jewelry at the antique mall wasn't selling because my prices were too high. I thought I had figured them out properly and voiced my worry on Facebook. If you click that link you'll see the whole discussion over the issue. I got quite a bit of advice and ended up deciding to just make some items at different price points. This necklace was the first thing to come out of that decision.

After some thought, I made a plethora of button stud earrings also.
These were placed on cards that I sketched on and cut with my Silhouette Cameo. As such, I was able to finally complete the goal from week 4!

I ran behind this week. I suppose it was all that thought on the pricing issues and making the earring cards and earrings. So I slapped this card together fairly quickly.
In all honesty, I don't really care for it. It was made using papers that had collected on my desk, including the fortune. However, it's just a hot mess.

If you're a regular blog reader, you'll realize that I've been pretty good about posting each week (creating a blog calendar has really helped). In week 5, I wrote about my one dollar Valentine stamps.

I also shared the featured necklaces in my booth and news for Southern Antiques and Accents.

During the week, I happened to stumble upon a quote The Bloggess (Jenny Lawson) shared from a dying member of her community. The words struck a chord with me, especially since my word for the year is Savor.
I simply wrote the quote out with watercolor markers and added some distress inks around the edges. I hope it touches you the way it touched me.

Week 6 (Feb. 7-13)
My overall goal for this week was to cut vinyl with the Silhouette Cameo. I had a particular project in mind since it was the week leading up to Valentine's Day.
It came together well after a few tries, though I did apply it upside down. Oops!

After my crisis with the pricing the week before, I went through a sackload of jewelry that hadn't sold on either Etsy or in the booth and made some hard decisions about whether or not to keep each piece or tear it apart. A ton of jewelry was disassembled. I wound up keeping a few beads aside in the process and made these earrings from them.
They are simple and lovely. I put them in the antique store today. 

Again, I was late in making the card, but did start it during the week. I had visions of crackling a card and so I did.
However, some of the crackle did not withstand my abusive arting and crackled right off. I let it be and added a key sticker and a sticker with "hope" written on it before calling it done. I really do love the rustic feel of it.

This week was a success as all three of the planned posts went live. I was able to share with you my personal go-to jewelry,

the jewelry I often borrow from the etsy shop,

and some of the cool things I found while walking on our property.

This page simply fell together. After purchasing some neon paints and some brown ink, I wanted to test them out. So, I spread them on the next page in my journal.
You can see the colors peeking out from behind the gesso, collage, and doodles. I was compelled to draw a house and the words just came to me. So, I left it at that. Sorry the picture's so poor.

Week 7 (Feb 14-20)
For this week, I wanted to update my blog some. The worn wood background I was using suddenly seemed so chaotic and distracting.
I took it out and made the background simply white. As well, I took out a few of the blogs I had listed in  my blogrolls that hadn't posted in over a year. I'm not sold on the white right now, but I think it's okay. What do you think?

I felt the pull of creating something more than simple jewelry, so I dove into my pickle jar of treasures to create this necklace.
You got to see its whole evolution in a post this past week.

Once again, I was late in creating my card. It was started during the week. The background is a coffee filter that had been altered with spray inks. I doodled on top of it with a Sharpie paint pen.
However, it sat on my desk after that for far too long, forgotten. I decided to quickly finish it with a sticker and doodling with a white pen. At least it's done but it's another disaster in my opinion. And, this poor picture doesn't do it much justice either.

While it seems that my artwork was suffering, my blogging was not. Again, three posts were completed. You got to read about my Valentine toilet,

I was pretty pleased with how this page came together, though it still feels a bit unfinished.
The background was made with altered papers collaged onto the page and then covered with gesso. I added a few stamps before writing the phrase. This was yet another one from The Bloggess. I had just started a chapter by this title in her newest book, and then she had a blog post about the phrase. It had to go in my journal.  It's a great little mantra when your confidence is dipping. 

Week 8 (Feb 21-27)
This whole week was a bumpy one as I spent the majority of it with my grandmother in the hospital. My goal was set a little late and was something I thought would be attainable while I was in the hospital with her. I had hoped to go through my Business Minded Pinterest board and read as many of the articles as I could. However, the hospital's free internet was not reliable so I wasn't on the computer much at all. As such, this goal will have to carry over to this week. Finger's crossed I can get to it!

Since I was in the hospital, I didn't have my jewelry-making supplies with me. I considered taking some but knew that I would likely not get to use them. So, this task was a little late. 
I pulled these earrings together on Sunday. I hate that the white crystals don't photograph well. Trust me though that these have a great juxtaposition of sparkle and natural beauty. 

Like all the other cards before it, this card was completed late. I tried to use as few supplies as possible to ensure it took little time.
The background is simply some previously painted dictionary paper glued to the playing card. I stamped a few texture stamps in black ink on it. Then, the world sticker was adhered. I stamped the phrase onto yellowed paper and glued it on the card. A Stabilo All pencil in black created the shadowing around the sticker and phrase. I think keeping it simple was key. It looks great, much better than some of the others this month.

Despite spending so much of my time in the hospital, I surprised myself by getting two posts up. I guess good planning does pay off. I showed you the evolution of the upcycled necklace I had made the week before. 

As well, there were some Friday thrift store finds to share. 

I again used some new supplies to jump-start my journal page. Testing out the watercolor gel crayons I found at Target proved to make a pretty background. However, what came next wasn't near as nice.
Pressed for time, I added washi tape and a sticker. I doodled around the sticker for added interest, but left it at that. There's a possibility that I'll add more to this page. However, I won't count on it as I still have the goal and tasks for this current week to conquer.  

Last Thoughts
I feel like I've been playing catch up all month with these tasks. Forcing myself to create isn't always the optimal way to get the best work out of me, but can release some of the creative pressure that builds up when I don't get to create. So, it's really been good in the long run. And, I shall continue on the path I have set for myself. I will re-examine this method if it does seem to be getting out of whack. How are you doing on the goals you set for yourself this year?

Can you believe it's already March?


  1. Wow! You've been busy! I do think in the long run that it's good to create regularly even if you don't like the immediate results. You never know how a technique or color combo you experimented with will get used sometime down the line in another project.

  2. I love . . . Enjoy Every Sandwich!!!
    So many things to do. I'm guessing you see glitter in your sleep!

    1. Leslie Anne, Isn't that great!? As soon as I read it, I had to copy it down and save it. As for glitter. . .there's not much glitter in my life: more paint and beads and weeds... ;)
      Ha! Thanks for popping by!

  3. Wow, this is an impressive account of things done! It takes a lot of perseverance and organization to be active on so many fronts!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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