Friday Finds #5 | A Walk on the Property

I've had quite a few people mention to me personally that they love seeing the cool things I find on the property. As such, I made that this focus of this week's Friday Finds.

We had some wonderful, glorious warmer weather the other weekend. While Pat worked on some projects, I decided to do some exploring.

The first things that caught my eye were the flowers. Azaleas are prolific in this area. However, they are usually a Spring bloom. Anytime we have a glimmer of warmer weather, they start to bloom no matter how deep in to winter we may be. We always proclaim how silly they are, "Those dumb azaleas don't realize it's still January!" The new house has tons of LARGE azalea bushes. I can't wait to see them popping with blooms once it's actually spring (of course at this rate, they may run out of steam before then.)

As well, we discovered some Carolina Jasmine on the property. I was told that this yellow one is Confederate Jasmine, but my limited research proves otherwise. We have an overabundance of jasmine on the property and have been trying to get rid of it. However, we only have a small area with this type and are debating keeping it. We'll see.

After smelling the flowers, I decided to hike into the woods and check out a clearing that Pat had mentioned to me the day before. There, I spotted a small cluster of rust and couldn't help but check it out.

This scrolly piece has a little handle on the top as though it's some kind of lid. However, I didn't see a bottom for it anywhere in that area. There's the possibility that it's buried elsewhere.

Next, I dug up this little shelf. Other than a little rust and dirt, it seems to be in good condition. Now, I just need to figure out where to put it. For now, I left it in the woods. . .so I can find it again.

I had a hard time getting a picture of this. But, it's one of those baskets for plants that you hang on the side of a structure. Again, it looks to be in okay condition.

This metal container had a few more flaws than the other pieces and was almost buried in the leaves and dirt.

As I came out of the woods and surveyed the area, I couldn't help but notice how shabby the pole barn looks, especially from this side.

And, since I was digging the rusty vibe, this hook with pulley on the side of the building caught my eye.

After that, the hubs and I chilled in the yard and enjoyed the nice weather together. Y'all.....even though I found all these 'treasures', there's still so much to share! I keep thinking were coming to the end of the discoveries, but I think it'll be years before we unearth all the surprises out here. I definitely love that prospect!

Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter where I often share the discoveries as I make them.

What have you found lately?


  1. I am smitten with those yellow Carolina jasmine flowers ~ little dainty bursts in a more dull time of year. And that scroll lid should be hung up just as it is!!! Gorgeous! Leaving them to discover them again made me smile. What a treasure chest you live on! I cannot wait to see more finds!

  2. You sure have a lot of cool finds on that property. I am amazed that you have flowers in bloom now. In the Keys, there are some flowers coming into bloom. Perhaps the winter weather has spurred the flowers on.

    1. Kathy, Yeah! I just loving discovering all of it. From what I found, that Carolina Jasmine is a winter bloom. The azaleas, on the other, hand are just stupid. Anytime there is a break in the cold weather more of them pop out. It happens all over this area. They have no patience to wait for spring. Honestly, I'm anxious for it to warm up too! Thanks for popping by!

  3. How cool that you not only found your dream home, but a treasure trove as well! And it did my heart good to see the azalea bloom, especially since I love the hot pink variety. We had those planted on both sides of our Alabama house - when I went back to town and discovered that the new owners had torn them out, I was sorely tempted to ring the doorbell and punch someone...

    1. Bobbie, Oh yes! We joke about living on a landfill but really see most of the junk as treasures that can be repurposed. As for it being our 'dream home' - ehhhh, dream property for sure. We're still working to make the house a little more dreamy. It's got a LONG way to go. But, since we loved the property and pool and the house wasn't a dump, we knew we could work with it. I've been anxiously waiting for the azaleas to bloom because we didn't know what color we had since we bought in August. I'm not surprised they're the bright pink, it's such a traditional color around these parts. As for the tearing of them out. . .I can imagine. There are a lot of people that just don't want to maintain them. Thanks for swinging by! :)

  4. Oh fun. I love that scrolly piece! That could be sandblasted and repainted. To use for what, I don't know, but it's interesting! I also love the yellow jasmine. I hope you keep a little of it. I have some jasmine that I bought to climb on my light pole out front. I had no idea that it would get so out of hand so quickly. I may have to move it to another spot.

    1. Lorraine, Yeah, the scrolly top is cool. I'm entertaining the thought of using it as a base for a windchime, though it could end up huge! Yes, the jasmine is lovely but the battle we've been fighting with another breed of jasmine has been rough. It's taking down trees and fences. The Carolina seems to be staying put in one general area. You may not have to worry about it as it might not be as invasive as the other kind. I would keep an eye on it though! ;)

  5. oh I love all these treasures you've found! I'd be heading down to the store to grab some Rustolium paint, brushing off the rust and sealing those babies up! They would be awesome additions to the house and yard!

    1. Funny, I don't mind the rust at all. I love the wabi sabi look (we're actually thinking of naming the property Wabi Sabi). Of course, you might be right about that last container. It might look a bit better with a pop of color over it. As for the rest, I'll be returning to the woods for them before too long. There's still so much to take care of in the house first. It seems to be taking forever to get settled in. I think it has to do with having two houses still. Hopefully, that will be remedied soon! Thanks!


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