Week 2 Goal Review

Oh, holy heck! I thought last week was going to be rough with the Mardi Gras ball prep, but this week is already kicking my butt too. I think the problem is that I planned for it last week while thinking that this week would be easier. I was wrong. Anyway, let's talk about how much of a success last week was instead of this week's dismal outlook.

I was able to get through last week's goal and tasks with the cheats I created for myself.  My goal for the week was to create and start using a blog calendar. It was a bit of a cheat because I had already placed a calendar in my bullet journal and begun penciling-in blog post ideas. I have a long list of post ideas so it was just a matter of transferring them from the list to the calendar. Now, sticking to the calendar will be another matter entirely.

The altered card started off with a card I had already painted. I layered some spray inks and paint through stencils, thinking I would go with a mardi gras theme. However, the colors got kinda muddied. I decided to stop adding more to the background and smeared some white paint on to accentuate the key, glued the key down, stuck down a phrase I thought went well with the key and resonated with me, used black and white pens to doodle, and darkened around the key with my stabilo all pencil. I'm not as happy with it as I am about last week's, but relieved that it got made.

The jewelry design for the week was a pair of earrings to go with my costume for the ball. I knew it needed to be black, gold, and sparkly. The above is what came together. I'm really happy with them. I don't know that I will wear them again, so they may end up for sale either in the CraftyHope etsy shop or at Southern Antiques and Accents.

I wanted to get at least one blog post up last week and was able to get THREE. I'm pleased as punch about that!

My art journal page was just going to be art, but I quickly decided to make it about the chaos of the week. The background is collaged, painted, stamped, spray inked, and doodled. Then, I journaled about the week on a piece of paper, scrunched it up, inked the edges, and glued it down in the middle of the page. I do love how it looks.

As far as some of the rest of the things I needed to get done last week. . they were all accomplished - including Alabama winning the National Championship game! Ha!!

Here's this week's list
All the little tasks at the bottom are MUST DOs and may overtake the ones above. I've even added to that list since the picture was taken. I guess it's about time I get on it!

I hope your past few weeks have been less chaotic than mine. Now that we're a few weeks into the year, how are your goals and focus coming along?


  1. Well, I couldn't create for a whole week because we had some short-notice visitors staying at home (it's a common thing in my country). And we have plans for the weekend. So creating was out of question and I'll have some catching up to do :)

  2. I like your key card Hope and the sentiment "be open to what comes next" Wise words! I think you are on the road to organizational success!

    1. Jenna, Thank you so much! Yes, I'm trying to stay positive no matter what's thrown at me. However, I'm definitely looking forward to next week when it will be a little less crazy (hopefully!). For now, I'm just taking it one day at a time. Thanks for popping in! :)


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