My New Display at Southern Antiques and Accents

I know I've been talking about my new display at Southern Antiques and Accents in Fairhope for over a week now, and I moved in a week ago. I guess it's about time to show it to you! Let me preface this by telling you that renovations at the shop are in progress so it was hard to get a good angle to photograph the booth. As well, I know the booth needs a little work - I'm working on it!

Here we go!
This is the majority of the display - all but the bottom shelf. I made the sign with foam board, dictionary pages, and burlap letters. I may share how I made it if you're interested.

This was a better angle that shows the bottom few shelves.

Now I'll take you shelf-by-shelf (excluding the sign).

I tried to divide the jewelry into sections or themes, but found that harder than I thought. This one has a bit of a blue theme to it. Everything is pushed up to the front of the shelf because it's high up, and I want customers to be able to see and reach the items.

The next shelf down consists of items that had an autumn feel to me. Unfortunately, the display for this one isn't so great. I know I need some more height in the back right. Like I said, I'm working on it!

Below that one, and a bit below eye level is this shelf with the chalkboard mirror I made. There's not much of a theme with this one except colorful mixed media.

Second from the bottom is this shelf - again with not much of a theme. I think I was going mostly for a 'casual' jewelry theme here but a couple of the necklaces don't really fit in with that line of thought. The layout is a little flat too. . .

Finally, the bottom shelf has button bracelets and button rings along with a few more fairly casual necklaces. It was very difficult to photograph so I'll try to get in there later for better pics once the moving things around phase is done.

So, that's my booth! I'm working on a few other ways to display the pieces and will share those with y'all when I get them done. If you're in Fairhope, you should definitely stop in at Southern Antiques and Accents. There's so much to explore and so much variety - not just my handmade jewelry.


  1. I Iike what you have done with the displays.. How exciting!!

  2. Hope,
    I LOVE your new displays...very charming. I am away from your number, but here is the name of the plank paneling that we's V-Grove Panel-come in a pkg. of six (think it was Lowes).


    1. Thanks so much! It means a lot to me to have a display compliment from YOU! And, thank you for the info on the paneling. I'm going to check it out now and pass it onto Pat. Thank you!! :)

  3. beautiful display and such a lovely collection you've got in your store! love the look and feel of what you've done here

  4. Oh, awesome! I love how the busts look and of course your jewelry is beautiful!

  5. I didn't realize you had so many pieces on display - good for you! I like that the shelves are not crowded so that your pieces stand out and you can display by theme or color. Good luck!

  6. What a great Booth! Never stop tweaking your displays ~ you are constantly coming up with better ideas and new props. May you sell sell sell!!!

  7. Love the messy desk look! You'd never get anything done if it were clean all the time!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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