Oh, the excuses just keep rolling in. . .

I've been a very bad blogger lately. And, it's not that I don't have anything to say or share - it's just that there's SO MUCH going on right now!

  • Pat and I put our house on the market
  • We've been in a mad rush to get the house and yard looking. . .show-worthy
  • We're looking around for our own next home
  • I've had a sinus infection for weeks
  • We're having a yard sale this weekend
  • I'm going out of town most of next week
  • I'm gearing up for the next issue of ZnetShows' Creative Spark e-magazine
  • I'm supposed to be planning a baby shower for one of my best friends

Everything is just so insane right now that I can't even focus long enough to read blog posts, never mind writing my own. I have not forgotten about my blog, but I just can't make it a priority right now. I hope you understand.
A lesson I desperately need to learn right now!

Oh, and if you've got any tips on selling a house or moving, please share!


  1. LOL...We are there for you. You are woman, hear your roar! Just remember you can do what you can do, if you don't finish today, it will be there tomorrow. If you need help with the e-mag let me know. I am not as rushed!

    1. Veralynne, You are too kind! I'm definitely taking the one-thing-at-a-time approach right now. This morning's focus is on my pieces for the e-magazine. This afternoon is spend with my nieces prepping for the trip. Tomorrow, I pack and work on the e-mag. . .etc, etc, etc. I appreciate your support so much! Thank you :)

  2. The only tip I have is what the experts say...de-clutter and then stage it so that it shows well. Sounds like you're already working on that! Good luck!

    1. Judy, Yeah. . .we've de-cluttered a ton, but there's always more than you think. It's definitely better for sure. Thanks!

  3. No tips, sorry! But I understand your situation and think that it will bring more and interesting posts in the future :)

  4. You are so wise to enjoy the journey and savor the busy, hectic times. That's what life is made of . . . the crazy journey!

    As for selling a house, I baked brownies every morning so the house would be ready to smell heavenly when anyone walked through. Good luck!

    1. Leslie Anne, I'm definitely just trying to savor the moment and prep for what's to come. I'm actually considering some of that prepared cookie dough that you can just break off a piece or two and throw those in the oven before a showing. I think I'd make too much of a mess with brownies! Thanks for the tip.

  5. Good think I love the rain, but then I grew up in Oregon! Hope you have some fun splashing around

  6. Hey, that's what I'm doing, savoring the hectic moments! Yeah, that's it... and apparently I have A LOT of hectic moments!! bawhahahahaha!! Seriously, good luck with everything.

    Debbie @ Flower Child Designs

    1. Debbie, Savoring. . .sure. Apparently, I've been savoring them for over a month now because I absolutely missed this comment from you. I'm so sorry about that. Thank you for your best wishes.


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