Happy Mail to the Max

Lately, I've been lucky enough to be the recipient of some awesomely fun mail. This is largely due to me joining a group that does a lot of swapping. This means that I've also sent items to partners. I thought I'd share this eye-candy of postal bounty with you.

First, I participated in a beginner's altered post card swap. The theme was Spring. I mailed out this card to my partner.

And, in return I received this cute bunny.
I don't know if she intended it, but all I see is chocolate!
She even decorated the address side of the postcard.

I've also gotten a 'happy mail' package. In the art journal realm, happy mail is a package of ephemera, small art pieces, supplies or any other item that might bring a smile to the recipient's face. I forgot to get a picture of what I sent out, but let me tell you it was YELLOW (that was the theme). I got these goodies.
I had a HUGE smile on my face with this happy mail.

 I've also signed up for a motivational deck swap. Basically, this goes in stages to make and receive a whole deck of cards altered with motivational words, sayings, quotes, etc. on them. I've really been enjoying the process and just mailed out my second set. I can't share those yet, but here's the first set I sent.

 And, what the hay. . .here's a better look at them.

My partner for this swap made me a cool accordion book with six cards that spelled out a single, resounding motivational word: CREATE.
The book all folded up with a few tiny playing cards tucked inside.
The book in all its glory.

Finally. . . I have also gotten some jewelry-making mail. Cynthia of Antiquity Travelers e-mailed me to let me know she had a box of old jewelry coming my way that she's been collecting on her desk. The pieces she sent were from family members as well as other odds and ends. She encouraged me to use what I can and do whatever I want with the rest. I opened the box to find this inside.
Holy moley!!
I immediately saw strands of beads, Lucite, chain, keychains, brooches, and old earrings. I took my time sorting though the box of treasures to uncover all the amazing bits she generously shared with me. Creative friends are THE BEST! Just look at what all she sent.

I was seriously blown away. Make sure you check out Cynthia's blog and her Antiquity Travelers Etsy shop. Not only is she a very kind and generous friend, but she's an inspiring and talented artist.

Now it's time to actually make something with some of this exceptional happy mail. So, have you been a little more than excited when the mailman shows up lately too?


  1. What a fun concept. I'm loving the deck of cards. Great work.

    1. Judy, Thank you! Yes, the deck of cards altering is a BLAST. They're just like mini canvases and take little time or commitment. I know they are simply ATCs, but it's more fun to know that they are just a deck of cards. :) Thanks for swinging by!

  2. That is some serious mail there Hope. Lots of goodies in Cynthia's box... wow! This week I think I have gotten some wire, my beads from SueBeads ( I was picked for the monthly challenge.. yay!) and some earring cards that I want to add watercolor too. Have fun!!

  3. This is such a fun idea! Often, when you are creative, you run out of people to share with and this way, you also get to see and learn from other's talents.

  4. Replies
    1. Jenna, I agree!! I've had a lot of fun both creating and receiving the happy mail of late. It's so much more pleasurable to anticipate the mailman's arrival than to dread it! ;)

  5. Wow! I love those cards you created! They are gorgeous! And that box of jewelry mismatches would bring a smile to any designer's heart.

  6. I was complaining about the loss of the expectation of the mailman in one of my recent posts :) Hurray for orders and parcels or we'll be cut out from the rest of the world!

  7. oooh! I missed this post! That stash-o-stuff from my bead table looks so much better on yours - LOL. Can't wait to see what you do with any of it :) I was stumped by most of it, but you are so creative. Love the cards you guys are swapping - what a fun idea! Like I said.... you are so creative!

  8. Your mailbox runneth over! Lucky Girl! :-D

    1. Tammie - It only looks that way when I bunch it all together here. Usually it just has bills or junk mail or is empty, I do love the anticipation of waiting for goodies like these though! It's been fun swapping handmade items.


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