
I wake up each morning with all these ideas and inspirations, but bringing them to fruition is something else. . .life gets in the way, responsibilities to others get in the way, distractions get in the way. Before I know it, the day is over.

I've been seriously slacking in my blogging responsibilities. . .actually, there's only one blogging responsibility and that's to BLOG! I've got lists upon lists of topic ideas and have pinned numerous articles about blog content, but to no avail. I just can't seem to get it done. In fact, I don't ever feel like I'm really getting anything done. This morning, that resounding weight was upon me. I tweeted this the moment I opened my laptop,
Seriously, anyone else ever feel like Sisyphus pushing that darned rock?

I'm sure I'm just juggling too many things, wearing too many hats, or some other catchy idiom that means I'm simply lacking focus. I've got my to do lists, my daily and weekly schedules, a routine; but these just doesn't seem to result in. . .well . . . results. I get distracted too easily by a Facebook notification or a scrap of paper out of place or hunger. I could go on but recognize that there's no way you are really enjoying this rant. It's a phase. I'll find my groove again. I just had to get it out there. It's my lame excuse at the moment. Please forgive my lack of presence.


  1. I feel exactly the same way, Hope. I've had to put my silversmithing classes on hold to help some family members with things for a few months, and it's graduation season, so there are many events to attend and gifts to think about and purchase....and then there are my own personal responsibilities. Blogging will have to wait. There are seasons for everything and I know my blogging time will come back around one of these days.

    1. Judy,
      YES! Ever since April, it seems like there's one thing after another and I just don't have time to cram in anything else. I know I won't take much of a bloggy break but do wish I could get to the end of each day feeling like I've accomplished something rather than like I've wasted another day. I'll look forward to your bloggy return! :)

  2. Join the club...I feel the same way everyday..I just don't know where the hours go. But we just keep on keeping on and hope it turns out ok...

    1. Veralynne, Very true. As my husband keeps saying, "It's better than the alternative." ;)

  3. Hope, I think we all go through this at one time or another. Commitments...........they take the priority then we get so bogged down in them we get easily distracted by trivia. Then, there is so much pressure to use "social media" to promote ourselves, I think that sometimes it sucks the joy right out of creating. That's when I take a hiatus............just do fun stuff. It gets me back on track.

    1. Lee, A hiatus sounds fabulous, but then when I try something like that. . .I feel like I'm slacking. It's just my own internal struggle to find a balance in creating and marketing. Blarg. I hate to complain, I know I've got it good. I need to just enjoy it without being my neurotic self. Thanks for the advise, now to just take it to heart!

  4. Oh I know what you mean. Especially with the blog. With me stuck in the office, My posts have really slowed down mainly because I can't add pictures using my iPad. And what is a post with no pics?

  5. I'm with you, been in a writing funk lately. But I've posted today, moved some piles and recently created keepsake boxes with family photos for my nieces, who just graduated from UMobile. Stay Crafty.

    1. It must be in the Spring air or something. I desperately want to be motivated, but the only thing motivating me is my desire to not be 'flighty' by not posting. Sigh, maybe I'll find my muse if I move some piles around too! ;)

  6. Hope!!! don't beat yourself up!!! I have totally "been there" and I also beat myself up, so I'm not one to talk. Sometimes when I"m in that place I just set one or two attainable goals and just focus on that. That usually gets me on the right path for achieving more of my goals and things on my to-do list!!


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