Reveal of My Shipwreck Dandy Destash Box (picture heavy)

Richelle of the Shipwreck Dandy blog has two etsy shops. In one she sells her beautiful handmade rustic assemblage jewelry and in the other she sells handmade, vintage, and select jewelry supplies. She's currently going through a 'studio excavation' and making up destash boxes for what she unearths. I totally jumped on this deal because I just love her style.

She'll even take into consideration your preferences if possible. So, I told her that I would like a little bit of everything including some of the metal bits she had shared in one of her pictures, but that I also love of buttons, findings, beads, etc. After she received this notification, she asked if I had any more requests. I basically said that anything that feels rustic and old or romantic would be awesome. Here's what I received.
The inside of the box
The loose bits on the top of the package
My favorites of the loose bits: bone beads, buttons, and chain
Then, there were all these packages
and still more under the wrapped packages
I started with the smallest of the packages and discovered some of Richelle's handmade pieces. YAY!
The rest of the packages are below, first how they look piled up in the protective wrapping she used, and then all laid out for a better view.
Bundle 1
Bundle 1 on display
Bundle 2
Bundle 2 on display
Bundle 3
Bundle 3 on display
Bundle 4
Bundle 4 on display
Bundle 5
Bundle 5 on display
Bundle 6
Bundle 6 on display
Here's those little bits I found at the bottom
I couldn't wait to go through each and every piece in the box, so I sat down with an empty organizer and filled it right up!

Thank you Richelle for your generosity. I really think this was a steal for $20 plus shipping. Make sure to get your own totally stuffed destash box before her excavation ends!


  1. What an exciting box of goodies!!! You have more inspiration for your jewelry designs...always a good thing :-)

  2. This is fantastic! I appreciate you taking the time to do this and I'm going to show it off if that's ok. Thanks again!

    1. I'm so glad you're ok with me sharing my haul from you! You should have seen me pouring over each little package and then each bead. I had a blast with it! Thank you! :) Oh, and feel free to share. :)

  3. Wow! What a great collection...can't believe it's her "destash" bits...looks like really good stuff to me. I think I'll go visit now and see if she has anything left.

    1. Judy, I bet she does as she still has the destash boxes listed and is (I think) going to share my reveal to promote the boxes or something. YOu should definitely check out her blog too. . .she makes some really cool things.

  4. So many interesting beads. I can't wait to see what you create.

  5. An absolute treasure! Enjoy it!

  6. Dang I chose the wrong time to go on a bead diet after doing our taxes. Those are some amazing beads and I know you will make some great pieces out them.

  7. What a great selection of beads! You got a great deal!

    1. Kathy, I just love a smorgasbord of beads and these were perfect! Richelle totally did me a solid with this selection. Now, to actually use them!!

  8. that all looks so fun! can't wait to see what you do with your new found things

  9. What a treasure trove! What a deal! What am I waiting for - I'm going to go check out Richelle's goodies! And I can't wait to see what comes off your worktable from all of this loveliness.

    1. Bobbie, I do hope you did check out the deal. Now to actually make something with all of it. . .that's another matter entirely! ;) Thanks for popping in!

  10. Wow! Hope that is so cool! I just gotta check her out. It would be so much fun to get one of those! I just love surprises. Thanks for the tip and take care!

  11. Hi Hope, it's Teresa again. I PURCHASED ONE, I'M SO EXCITED I CAN HARDLY WAIT! Thanks again for sharing your treasures. Now I just have to talk to my sweet Hubby and think of a real good reason I need more beads, 😇😋 We always need more, especially a deal like this, right? Lol

    1. Teresa, Yay! I (admittedly) didn't need any more beads either, but I just couldn't resist this destash from Richelle. He style captures my attention and inspires me so. I do hope you enjoy the eclectic mix from her!! :)

  12. Hope, that is quite the haul! I love it that there is such an eclectic MIX! I'm going to hop over there and check it out!

    1. Lee, I hope you did. I really like what Richelle sent. It was so fun to sort through and reveal. Enjoy!! :)

  13. I was amazed and surprised when I purchased "my box" from Richelle to get an additional email from her asking in more detail what I would like, (very specifically), even more than the details I gave her at the beginning! Richelle is wonderful to deal with! I am even more excited to get that "De-stash Box", from her. I can hardly wait. I have never had so much fun buying jewelry making supplies . Thank you so much for letting us know about this wonderful opportunity. I could show you what I get if you want me too. Just say the word. Thanks again, Hope. Your blog has definitely become one of my favs in a very rapid way!
    Take care and have fun creating, let us know what you get inspired to make.

    1. I know isn't that great that she really wants to take your wants into account!? I TOTALLY want to see what you get for sure. And, thank you so much for the kind words about my blog. I appreciate it so much. Really!


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