WOYWW (a day late)

I have been up to my eyeballs in paperwork and computer work and I haven't even started gathering the 2014 tax stuff yet. I've been so busy, I actually took all these photos yesterday for What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday but never got around to editing them. So, I'm a day late. Le sigh. Here's what my workdesk has been looking like.
No beads or paint. . .how sad this is.
Now that my big paperwork-y project is close to done, I can hopefully pull out some of these
Paints and pens
Or these
Spray inks and markers
Or some of these
Or some of the fun stuff on this shelf
All kinds of goodies (paints, inks, sprays, powders, etc.)
And, I especially want to play with these!
Beads! Glorious beads!!

I guess I need to stop writing about it and go ahead and get to it if it's going to happen today. Where would you start with all these options?

I'm sharing this late link on Stamping Ground's What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday (WOYWW)


  1. This is what my desk will look like in heaven.

  2. You have some great kit there, I'd love to have a play. Bookwork, ahhh no one likes doing it do they. I hope you have yours finished soon
    Jill #59

    1. Jill, Thanks so much! Yes, the paperwork is overwhelming and today I start gathering the tax stuff. Boooo! Alas, it has to be done and the sooner the better. Thanks for the best wishes and for popping by!

  3. I'd start by splashing paint around on paper with a craft supply like this goodness knows where you are headed with it all. Have fun regardless.

    Belated WOYWW greetings
    Eliza & Yoda #2

  4. This all sounds very familiar Hope. Good luck in finding time to play with all those lovely things. Happy crafting, Angela x 34

    1. Angela, Thanks so much for your best wishes. I finally did get a little time. I'm hoping to have a little more this evening. We'll see how that goes. Thank you so much for hopping by.

  5. I hope you get to play with all your lovely goodies this weekend . sorry i'm late getting round . Happy crafting Jill #11

    1. Jill, no worries about the tardiness. I was late post AND late hopping myself. I did get to my goodies at long last and the desk has been cleared once again. Yay! Time to start on something else :)

  6. Yes you are right, stop writing about it - go and do it! Lol!! It is always the same problem. You are very well organized and have a lot of lovely stuff!!
    Gabriele 19

    1. Gabriele, I finally got finished (a few days ago) and was able to plunge into my art supplies, thank goodness. I was on the verge of a breakdown if I didn't do something creative. Oh, and it only looks like I'm organized. Don't let those closely cropped shots fool you! ;) Thanks for dropping by!

  7. Gee your gear looks fabulous!So neat as well. I LOVE neat..not always neat myself, but the clean-up between projects is satisfying.Thanks for lovely comment on my blog.

  8. Hi, Hope! Thanks for your visit! I like how you brightened up your to do list with some happy washi tape! You've got some nice stash neatly organized! Happy belated WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle

    1. Zsuzsu, Yes. Washi tape goes on my to do list every day. It just makes my list and my day a little more happy and bright! I appreciate you stopping by here as well. Thanks!

  9. Lots of fun-looking stuff on your desk! I love to put beads in jars. I look at them, occasionally stick some onto a project, but never make anything with beads. They look beautiful in jars on my counter, though. {giggle}

    1. Nann, Fun? Ehhhh. . .it's done now at least. Sometimes I feel like all I do is look at my beads too. Hopefully I'll get my hands in them soon! I bet your jars of them are lovely. I have jars like that of button scattered all over my studio as well . . .and I don't sew! ;)
      Thanks for dropping by!!

  10. I've been moving my stuff to a new room and it's taking so long that I can't wait to start making something. I know that my ideas, sketches and little notes will not be very helpful when I actually sit down but I feel excited anyway :)


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