From the Crafty Hope Jewelry Shop

It's been a while since you've been inundated with pictures of jewelry currently available in my Crafty Hope Etsy Shop. In case you haven't had the time to pop in over there and take a look, here's just a sample of the eye candy in stock.
Keyhole Peek Necklace
It's taken me years to really find my style in jewelry-making, but looking down this list I'm really starting to see what it is. I know what I see and will probably get into that more in another post, but do you see a common theme or style in my jewelry?


  1. The wired links, non-jewelry objects, asymmetry & earthen tones... The combination of the robust with the exquisite... Just some similarities I see :)

  2. Your jewelry looks great. I do see a common style in your jewelry. I have to admit I don't see one in my jewelry. If I have one I don't recognize it!

    1. Kathy, It's taken me YEARS to really get in this direction where my jewelry has a similar 'theme' to it. I finally had to start weeding out jewelry pieces I had made, because I simply didn't like them or wasn't proud of them. I have to keep telling myself that just because I make something doesn't mean that I have to list it. If it doesn't speak to me, it's not really mine. With that mindset, I've finally gotten to this place where my jewelry almost looks like it's made by the same person. ;)

  3. I really like that button and flower necklace/1

    1. Thanks Lee! I'm pretty proud of that one myself :)

  4. Love the button earrings. Your have found your "theme" and it is beautiful. I know what you mean about not liking what you make sometimes, but you can always take it apart and make something else.

  5. It's funny you mention seeing your style in these photos. I was actually thinking, as I was looking at them, that they are similar to my style - found items, dark metal, asymmetry, wired links with wrapped loops - not exactly the same, but similar. We are jewelry soul sisters!
    Obviously, I think all your creations are splendid (right up my alley)

  6. I just love that first necklace! It really does remind me of walking in the woods on a cool spring day.


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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